So Far, So Good

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Dear Diary,

It has been four days since Austin went to Illinois. So far, we had been chatting nonstop. It's even great that he helps me with my homework. 

I can really say that the Austin we knew all these years came back. Actually, I don't even think that he left us. 

To be honest, he is a little bit of a coward when faced with difficult situations. Okay, he is. Like one time in 6th grade, he almost never made it to our graduation because he lost his graduation cap realizing only later that our teacher has it.

Then again, looking back at that, maybe he didn't want to attend the ceremony because of his dad. 

Oh crap. That story is twisted, indeed.

Anyway, he said he already met his mom and that he was having a great time there. I'm so happy for him. After everything he'd been through all these years, he really deserves all the happiness life has to offer him.

After he explained his side of the dance story, me and Ava felt guilty. All these years, he was that broken and yet, he never opened up about it. We could've been there for him.

We could've  just went to his house and asked about what his father does for a living.

We could've just asked him if he has a problem he wanted to share but was to afraid to be judged for.

I guess, that's what life is.

Sometimes, there are a lot of what ifs. 

But we can never go back to those moments.

We should just make the most out of every day because in reality, we can never seize the day.

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