Best and Worst

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Wednesday, 9:32 am

Dear diary,

Ever since that accidental kiss yesterday, we barely even talked as best friends. Nothing was awkward but, it's like he's building a wall to divide me from his life. I'm really nervous.

And I was hoping to hang out with him more today, but the universe apparently doesn't want me to fix my friendship with him. Since,

There are two kinds of people who walk out after a sleep over.

The first one is the person that leaves completely healthy, happy, and would eventually go back to his/her normal day routine. And the second one leaves that sleepover completely tired, weak, and


That second one happens to be me.

Three days before the dance.

This day couldn't get any worse.



"Ava, where's Savi?"

He stared at me and I smirk. "Curious now, are we?" and he just rolls his eyes. 

"She's sick. And I'm dropping off her homework a little later with some soup and ice cream. Do you want to-

"I'll be glad to drop that off to her house later. No problem, Ava." he cuts me off.

"But I didn't ask you any favo-

"No, it's alright. I don't even have homework so I can do that. Just give it to me later on." he cuts me off. Again.

"Fine. Here's the list and the ice cream brand that she really loves and-

"Don't you think that I don't know what she likes? She's my best friend too, Ava. Anyways, gotta go. Bye!" and he just runs off.

So rude. Yet so romantic. Savi's gonna be surprised.


Wednesday, 8:05pm

Dear diary,

Me again. On the same day. 

And this sick day, it's not so bad.


Earlier today, I was really expecting to just lie in bed and just plainly be bored since I can't literally do anything that involves a lot of moving since I really want to be well enough to attend the dance.

There, I've said it. This is so not me but I actually wanna go to that dance on Saturday. If I could just be well enough by then.

Anyway, I wasn't expecting someone today since my parents are still on their trip and I'm basically alone in this house. But yeah, Avery visited which, I thought, was really sweet.

When she came, Ava cooked soup so she was downstairs and I was left all alone with Austin on the phone. We talked about random stuff that's happened in school today but I was so tired that I fell asleep unknowingly.

While I was asleep, I dreamed that I was at the dance and I was dancing with somebody. His face was all blurry but I knew that I was happy when I'm with him dancing. We were moving with rhythm of the song when suddenly, I felt his lips touch mine.

You know that feeling when you're dreaming about someone and you actually felt the touch as if it was really real and not a part of some invention your imaginative brain was making? This was it.

Weirdly, I could've swore that I was awake on that part and the lips felt really familiar. Like, with someone I've recently kissed, well, accidentally. 

It wasn't Austin.

Cause when I woke up, Ava was putting the soup on my bedside table and Austin was nowhere to be found.

I know. It's really disappointing. 

But hey, it's a really good end to my sick day. And surprisingly, after that, I really felt better. Hopefully, better so I can go to school tomorrow. Best of luck for me, I guess.



"This is really a bad idea, Ava." 

"Oh, you're thinking about that now? When you're already at the front of Savi's house?" she rolls her eyes.

"Maybe, it's best if you go in. I'll just call her and greet her a get well soon greeting." and she just looks at me, dumbfounded.

"What? It's the thought that counts. Just go in!" I argue.

"Ok, fine." she said raising her hands, finally giving in.

What are you doing here outside being a coward when you could've given her the ice cream and soup yourself?

Calm down, dude. Just relax and call her.


"Hey, Austin! Ava's here right now making soup and I asked if you're gonna come-

"I'm sorry I can't come right now since I'm busy with my home works and all but I did bought the ice cream. Hope it was a compensation for me not visiting."

"No problem, dude. Anyway, how was school today?" she asks and I laugh.

"Now, you sound just like my mom."

"Well, I wanna know since I was absent, remember? Tell me all about today." she said.

"Well, first I thought you were going to school, so I waited near the gate. But 5 minutes from my first class, and you still weren't there."

"I'm sick, idiot. I can't believe you were late for first period." she says disregarding my thoughtfulness.

"It was math, anyway-

"Math is one of the most hard but important subjects you lazy person! And then what happened?" she scolds me but I just laugh.

And it went on and on for about 10 minutes until,

"Savi? Hello? Are you still there?" 

"Austin, it's Ava. She fell asleep." and I snicker. 

Typical Savi.

"Can you come up here for a sec? I need some help." she asks.

"Sure, be right there."

I walk on the front porch, into the house, and up to her room only to find her slightly snoring which I found very cute.

"Stop staring, lover boy and watch over her. The soup is probably boiling right now." Ava says as she walks out of the room and down the stairs completely out of sight.

I sit down near her bed, just admiring her beautiful face.

I'm a complete goner. Why does a girl like this exist?

I wonder what her lips feel like when you actually kiss it purposely and not accidentally.

And so, I bend down and kiss her ever so slightly.

So soft, so warm.

"Austin?" Savi says in a sleepy tone.

Oh crap.

I bolt straight up and out of the door in seconds.

Going down the stairs, I pass Ava with the soup in her hands ready to go up.

"Austin? What's wrong?" she asks.

"Nothing. I just remembered a project due tomorrow and I gotta finish it tonight so see you tomorrow!" I said as I dashed to the front door and out of the house before Savi even realizes that I was there.

I was right. I never should've went there. It was a mistake.

But it felt so good.

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