April 12

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April 12, Friday 10:23 pm

Everything is almost back to what it was before with Austin and surprisingly, I never saw River this week. 

On Monday, Austin rode with me on the school bus and we went to our classes together just like before. He sat with us during lunch hour and we talked about random stuff trying our best to avoid talking about the whole month before which was nothing but negativity, well, except the contest that I was going to participate in.

He was so excited that he even bought me guides in writing a novel and he even sends me plots and short stories. Ava has never been more happier ever since she found out Austin's been helping me with my preparations because, Ava agreeing to me, that, she sucked at helping me.

Austin practically never left our side this whole week which was great cause he's never done anything more than just hang out with us before and now, he even went with Ava to go shopping, Wednesday night.

I mean, I hate going shopping with Ava too. And I'm a girl.

And just between us, this whole week, I mean, every single day, when it was time for Austin to go to my house so we can wait for the bus together, he would always give me my day's supply of dairy milk chocolates. It's sweet, and yes, I like him even more, but, I really can tell that it's nothing more than a simple friend gesture.

So, I didn't tell Ava. No harm done.

It was no big deal. 

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