March 28

42 5 0

March 28, Friday, 12:23 pm

Dear Diary,

There was an announcement from last week of February about a book writing contest. Originally, the winner's story gets to be published on this year's school paper but after a few decisions, the school decided that the winner gets to be on this year's paper AND, get this, gets to be included on a local book writing contest here in Florida hosted and judged by a famous publisher in New York!

I have been contemplating with myself if I should join it since it's been my lifelong dream to publish at least one novel.

So, I decided to join. From almost 700 students here in my school, only 24 of them, including me, signed up for the contest. 

More chance of winning, I guess?

I've been writing this 30-paged book for two weeks now and I just finished and submitted it two days ago.

The results will be posted next week. I can't wait!

By the way, I'm still bummed about Austin not talking to us. 

I mean, I'd understand. But purposely thinking we're invisible? That's a whole new level.

I'm starting to get annoyed but I just keep reminding myself what Mom said to me a while back.

'Know each person's side before you judge.'

I'm really trying to.

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