March 15

35 4 0

March 15, Saturday 9:38 am

Dear Diary,

I'm kinda feeling more down today since it's the weekend and by now, Austin should be waking me up earlier than 7am, bugging me about a movie he wants to watch at 9pm. 

And I should be telling him to go back to his house and not disturb me on my long-awaited 10 hours of sleep.

Ava should not care at all and not reply to all my texts until Sunday afternoon.

The weekend routine should've started 2 hours ago but, no sign of Austin and instead of ignoring me, Ava has been texting and sending inspirational quotes nonstop.

A: Hey Savi, I wanna watch a series in ur house. I'm coming over rn.

S: Sure. Not like I have anything better to do today.

A: Cheer up, girl. 

S: I sure wish to.

A: Savi, you've been trying too hard for him to talk to us. If he doesn't, let's not push him anymore.

S: I'm not giving up on him, Ava. Besides the fact that I kind still like him after everything's that's happening, he's our best friend. I'm not letting go so easily.

A: Savi :((

S: Come over. Help me think.

A: He's no longer in all of our classes. He changed his schedule.

S: Maybe it doesn't work for him anymore. He does have someone with him at his house.

A: Savi, River's two years older than us. His schedule wouldn't bump into ours, let alone Austin. 

S: What do we know?

A: Just stop. He doesn't even go to the cafeteria anymore.

S: Maybe he already has lunch.

A: Savi...

S: Are you coming or not?

A: I'm on my way :(

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