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Ava squealed, "Dude! I can't believe it you did that!" so I covered her mouth before anyone even hears even just a slight detail on what I've just told her.

"I'm embarrassed ok? And I feel like a jerk for doing that."

"Dude, you like the girl. It's only normal that you'd like to know what it feels like to kiss her. AND YOU DID! OMG! Wait till Savi hears about-

"Woah, do not, under any circumstances, tell Savi. I mean it, Ava."

She sighs. "Fine."

"But if you want to know, I've decided to ask her out to the dance this Saturday. I've got it all planned out. I just hope she'll be better by then or-"

"She is." she cuts me off.

"What are you talking about?" 

"She's all better. Savi's heading here after her Thursday Lit 2 as we speak." she answers.

"But, Lit 2 ended 13 minutes ago and-"

"Hey guys. What's going on?" 

Play it cool, man.

"Hey Savs! We're just discussing the dance on Saturday." 

Way to be honest, Austin.

"Wow, is it this Saturday already? Days really go by fast." she smiles and I just melt.

"Are you all better now?" Ava interrupts.

"Yeah. Just a little more cough and hopefully, I'd be better this Saturday." 

"Oh that reminds me, I better look for my date. See you guys!" Ava quickly ran but not before turning around and winking back at me.

I shook my head. Oh Ava.

"So, Austin, any dates?" Savi wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Well, since you asked,"

Ok Austin. Just stay calm and ask her out.

"Do you, Do you uhm, if you don't have any date this Saturday, I can always escort you here." 

Dang it.

Her reaction changes, "Oh. Not the answer I was hoping for but if you don't have any date, wh-why don't we just go together?"

Wait, is she blushing? That's kinda cute.

I nod. "Yeah sure, that would be nice." 

"Great. See you at lunch then." she says then walks on the opposite side of the hallway.

"Savi! We're classmates in Biology." I yell and she stops.

Oh, this would be interesting.

- - - - - 


"Guys, meet my date, River." Ava says as she nears us with a very familiar face and yet, I can't put my mind into it. 

I was too preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn't notice Austin stand up as soon as Ava nears our lunch table.

"Dude, what the heck? I told you any girl in this school except Savannah and Avery. Seriously, what are you thinking? This wasn't our deal." he says so me and Ava exchanged questioning looks.

Austin noticed it.

"Guys, this is my cousin, River. River, you've met Ava and this is Savi." he quickly introduced us.

"Wow, you guys look really alike. Like, twins or something." I noticed.

"Take a chill pill Austin. It's only a date" River says and Ava agrees which made me roll my eyes at her.

"I'd better get going. I need to check on my school schedule. It's nice meeting you, Savi. Bye Ava. See you on Saturday." and he winks.

"You've gotta be kidding me, Ava." Austin exclaims as soon as River left our table.


"There's at least 300 boys here in our school and you picked River? You don't even know him." 

"Excuse me, we've been texting for 2 weeks. Don't you dare, Austin. And why are you so frustrated?" 

He shuts up.

"Yeah, Austin. He's your cousin. Why are you acting so weird because of it?" I butt in.

"Fine, whatever." and he continues his meal.

- - - - - 

Thursday, 7:36pm

Dear Diary,

I don't know where my confidence to ask Austin to the dance came from but hey, at least I got the courage to do so.

Anyway, my day's back to normal again, thank goodness. I think the soup Ava gave me really helped. Cause I can finally go to the dance. With my lifelong best friend slash crush.

But, there was something really weird about him on today's lunch time.

It started when his so-called cousin, River came to our lunch table with Ava introducing him as her date for the dance this coming Saturday. After that, he stopped talking and just finished his meal. But the one thing that I noticed is that he was sweating hard and his skin was paler than usual.

Really weird.

I mean, what's with him and his cousin? Why is he so affected because River decided to bring Ava to the dance? 

Something was fishy. But I didn't wanna worsen Austin's mood today so for the rest of the school hours, I just talked to him like nothing weird happened at lunch. 

And I guess it worked since he was back to normal after our classes.

Maybe it was just stress or something.

Or maybe I'm just worried because I like the guy. lol.

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