A Big Deal

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*phone rings*

"Hey, Ava! Rainy day today. Wanna come over and binge watch?"

"You know it girl! Already on my way."

"Alright, see you soon."

*phone rings*

"Austin. Binge watch with Ava?"

"Sorry, Savi. I can't right now."

"Oh, why's that?"

"I'm helping my brother with some stuff."

"Oh, that's fine. I'll see you on Monday then."

"Hey, Savi?"


"Take care of yourself. And Ava. Say thanks to your Mom for me."

"What are you talking about?"

He pauses for a second.

"I like you too."

Wait, what?

"Come again?"

"I need to go now. Bye, Savi."

And he hangs up just like that?

I put down my phone and go downstairs, ready to run in the rain.

"Hold up. Where are you going? It's raining really hard out there." Mom said.

"Mom, where is Austin going? You should know that." and she closes her eyes for a second and breathes a long, hard breath.

She stands up, grabs a raincoat from the kitchen, and tosses it to me.

"A mind needs to be calm and a heart needs to beat normally. Go." and with that, I put on the raincoat and dash outside running all the way across our house to Austin's, adrenaline pumping to every part of my body.

What I saw there made my heart beat faster than what I was feeling a minute ago if that was possible.

There was River, stuffing the back of the car with boxes and a large suitcase. He didn't notice me right away so I went closer to where he was.

"Where's Austin?" he looks at me as shocked as I was.

"Savannah, what are you doing here?" 

"Where's Austin?" I ask again.

He looked at the door of their house and without sparing even a second, I went straight inside to find an empty living room with Austin carrying a box, ready to leave everything behind.

"What are you doing here, Savi? You're dripping wet and the rain is-"

"You don't leave someone on the phone like that and expect them to not be worried at all. What is going on? Are you leaving? You're leaving us again without an explanation?"

"I thought it'd help. I tried telling this to you guys but, I can't."

"Why are you leaving? Is this about River again?"

He became silent.


"I haven't seen my mom in years. This was his promise. He promised me he'd take me to mom."

And then it all hit me.

Why for the whole two weeks, he tried to win our trust back.

To win our friendship back.

Why everyday, two weeks ago, he went to all of his previous classes even though he already changed his class schedule. 

Why he went with Ava to the mall even though we both hate shopping with her.

Why he gives me my favorite chocolates this past week.

"Did you do all that because you were guilty?"

"What do you mean, Savi?"

I hit him. "Did you purposely went to all our classes just to make up for what you did?"

I hit him again. Once. Twice. Thrice.

"Did you just agreed to do everything we wanted you to do just so you wouldn't feel guilty when you, I don't know, suddenly leave without a single message like, Hi, I'm leaving you forever, please don't be mad and-"

I never got to finish what I wanted to say.

He hugged me. 

Actions are way better than words.

He hugged me tightly.

So tight that I could feel what he wanted to say right there.

That he doesn't want to let go of any of this.

And when he broke our hug, he looked me straight in the eyes.

"I couldn't say goodbye. I figured that if I just leave without seeing you guys, it would be easier for me not to change my mind about this."

I blink away a tear. But it keeps coming until I realized I am crying so hard.

He wipes away some of the tears and smiles. "And the chocolate? I figured you got the hint. If you don't, I bet Ava really got that hint."

Big deal.


"I like you too, Savi."

Wow. I guess this is what it feels like when someone likes you back.

After a few more minutes of Austin comforting me, we went outside and stood together by the door.

What he did next made me blush like someone just hit me with a basket of tomatoes.

He kissed me at the forehead and looked at me longingly.

And what he said comforted me much more than a phone call.

"I promise. I will be back. I'm just gonna visit my mom for at least two months, tops. I even left my things in my room." 

"We'll keep in touch, okay?" he nods.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE, AUSTIN DAVIS?!" Ava screamed at the top of her lungs while running towards us from my house.

I let them talk so I stood by the door while watching Ava became angry at Austin like a mom of an 8-year old. 

For the whole 10 minutes, Ava stood there scolding Austin while he secretly sneak glances at me, smiling from time to time. 

I just shook my head.

"So, you ok with him leaving you guys?" River said beside me.

"I guess. He promised. I think we'll be fine by that promise."

He looks at me and smiles warmly.

"You're a good person, Savi. Remember that and don't let anyone make you look stupid. Be strong." and I thank him for that.

After a few more minutes of making Ava understand the situation, we said our last goodbyes.

"Please call from time to time."

"I will, Savi. I gave my keys to your mom, by the way. Feel free to come by here anytime." and with that, he went in the car, waved goodbye with River, and drove off.

Watching them drive away, Ava stood by my side and wrapped an arm around me.

"He'll call. We're gonna chat all the time." I nod.

Please, Austin. No more surprises.

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