The Lies and the Truth

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April 7, Sunday 5:23 am

It's really early today but let me tell you that I have been awake since last night. Things are finally making sense again. Just this Monday, I got the opportunity to enter a local book-writing contest here in Florida and I'm starting to think about plots and ideas.

Not only that, on Wednesday during Mathematics, my first subject, Austin walked in class and sat beside me. I looked at him like a ghost since it's been almost a month after the dance and we're obviously not on speaking terms.

What's even surprising is that he's back to his old schedule which included being with me for almost all of my classes.

And on Friday night,

"Honey, someone's at the door. Can you please open it?"

"Sure, Mom."

I open it to find-

"Austin? Ava? What are you guys doing here?" 

"I don't actually know how he persuaded me." Ava says completely in a daze.

"Hi. Uhm." and he lifted up his arms showing a box of cheese pizza and one bottle of Rootbeer.

"Movie night?" 

Without a second thought, I opened the door wider, allowing him to come in with Ava still looking shocked as I was.

"Mom, Austin and Ava are here. We're gonna start our movie night in the tv room!" I yell.

"Sure, honey. I'm going to my clinic later to do my readings." she yells back from the living room.

As soon as I walked in the TV room, I close the door, locking it on purpose.

"Alright, what's happening?" 

He stops setting up Netflix and looks at me and Ava who's sitting on the sofa, arms crossed.

"Can't I have a movie night with two of my best friends?" 

Ava stands up. "What's going on, Austin Davis? You don't talk to us for almost a month and now, you show up at my house, forced me to walk to Savi's house, and we're about to have a movie night." 

He sighs. "I'm really sorry, guys."

I look at him. "That's it? Do you even remember what happened that night?" 

* * * * *

"I..I love" he stutters and laughs.

"It's really cold out here." 

"I bet. Finish your sentence?" 

He looks at me again and smiles.


"Wait. Stop." 

We both turn around and see a very unexpected person.

"River? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Ava?" I ask.

He catches his breath. "I really should be here. You can't do this Austin. Just stop. I forfeit, you win." 

Confused, I look at Austin.

"Dude, what is he talking about?"

He sighs.

"Well?" I ask, anxiously.

"River and I made a bet a month ago."

"What was it about?"

"The deal was if I could get you to think that I was inlove with you, we'd be equal again. I owe River a lot which is why I agreed and-"

He didn't finish his sentence when Ava slapped him, right in the face.

"You were lying?"

"Ava, what are you doing here?" 

"Shut it, River."

Austin looked down. "I knew it'd be more convincing if I tell Ava that I've liked you for a while now since, she's talkative."

My heart is pounding by what I am hearing right now.

"You played Savi. Your best friend who's done nothing but care for you, Austin."

"I called the deal off. I can't look at Savannah and Austin without feeling guilty after this." River butted in.

I was silent for a minute.

I look at him.

"Do you even like me more than a friend?" 

He looks at me with guilt written all over his face. 

"I-don't know. I'm confused."

"You're a really bad person, Austin. Let's go, Savi." Ava says as she held my hand and pulls me back inside the gym.

I just allow her to pull me but not before looking back at Austin and what I saw changed my perspective.

He's crying.

Austin Davis never cries.

His story's not finished.

* * * * *

"I never liked to talk about my family but here he is."

"River's not my cousin. He's my brother."

"Remember kindergarten to 1st grade? A kid used to tease you, make fun of you, and bully you. That wasn't me. It was River. He was outgoing, funny, and a little crazy making him drop school two times as a kid. While me? I was a loner. Nobody noticed me." 

Wait, what?

"My mom and dad separated that year and me and River had to split. Hence, in the middle of 1st grade, I was all alone. I got assigned to sit beside you and when I saw Ava sneezing on your face, I laughed. That was the first time I felt happy in days."

My mind is splitting in a million ways right now.

"The day before our 6th Grade Graduation, Dad said he had to run some errands. He never came back. All I saw that morning on my doorstep is your mom, Savi. Your mom holding a note in her hand. That's why your parents walked me to the stage when my name was called."

A tear escaped from my eye.

He laughs, a bitter laugh.

"When River found out, he started sending me stuff that I would need. A few extra bucks, food, new clothes every winter and summer. The two things that kept me going was his promise that when he saves enough money, he'd come here for me and, you two."

"You guys were there for me every time I faced a bump on the road without you even noticing it."

"I owe River a lot. He sacrificed a lot for me which is why I couldn't say no to him. When he wanted a bet, when he agreed to take Ava to the dance, and a lot more."

"I'm sorry I lied about, almost everything and hid these things from you guys. I was embarrassed. As a little kid, it would be the most humiliating."

His voice started to crack.

"I'm a jerk and with all my heart, I'm really, really, sor-"

We didn't let him finish his sentence when, without a second thought, we hugged him.

* * * * *

He may have lied a lot and hid these things.

But he never lied when it came to caring about us.

It's what best friends do. You care for the people that you love the most.

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