A Talk: Future and Dreams

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Au: Hey, guys. Anything surprising happened today?

Sa: Nah

Av: You tell him, Savi!

Au: Tell me what?

Sa: No big deal.


Au: Wow. I'm so excited for you, Savi!

Sa: Thanks, Austin :)

Av: Speaking of two weeks from now, Austin, you don't want to miss that. When are you coming back?

Au: I'll be there next week. Wouldn't miss that for the world!

Sa: Wow, it's been three months since you went there. How's Illinois?

Au: It's great. I'm actually considering University of Illinois. 

Av: That's big, dude. And early.

Sa: Yeah. College is like, a whole year from now. 

Au: Four months from now, we'd be seniors. I mean, there's nothing wrong with planning my future. Speaking of future, we haven't really talked about that.

Av: You know me, guys. I plan on starting my own fashion line. If that doesn't work, I'll probably be a manager or an agent to someone, I guess.

Au: Good luck with that, Ava. How bout you, Savi?

Sa: I haven't really thought about it. 

Av: Don't you wanna take Architecture like your dad?

Sa: And be barely home for his own daughter? I mean, I love him but, nah.

Au: How about Psychology? 

Sa: I'd rather be a psycho. Lol. Just kidding. But, I don't want Psych. I want something new. Something I like and doesn't come from my family.

Au: Summer vacation's next month. You'll probably have plenty of time to think about that.

Sa: I guess.

Au: And, I could be of assistance. I don't have anything better to do.

Sa: Noted. Lol.

Au: Well, it's been fun catching up to you guys. I miss you, Savi.

Sa: You too, Austin.

Av: Hello? I'm here too.

Au: You too, Ava. Lol.

Av: Just be home before Savi's contest results. That would make me so happy. I miss hanging out with two crazy people. One is not enough, dude.

Sa: Hey!

Av: Just kidding. Lol. Bye, guys. Savi, I'm coming over.

Sa: Sure. 

Au: Bye! 

Dear Diary,

I haven't really thought about what I want in college. Talking to the both of them made me realize that high school's almost over and we are about to be a bunch of young adults hoping to reach our dreams. 

Except, what do I really want?

I mean, it's always been my dream to be a famous author but, how do I get there? 

Woah, chill now, Savannah. You have a whole year to think about that. Maybe 4 or 5 months. Or less since we're supposed to choose and apply before the school year ends. 

And Austin's gonna help me figure that out. I'll just wait and see what happens.

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