Graduation Day

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"And now, a speech from Batch 2020's Valedictorian, Ms. Savannah Andersen!"

I take a deep breath and go slowly up the stage.

When I made it up the stage, surprisingly, I didn't feel any nervousness. Instead, calmness consumed me as I opened my mouth, ready to say my final words in this very school.

Valedictory speeches should be written first in a draft before actually saying it in a crowd like today. I mean, I do have a copy of my speech but, as soon as I opened my mouth, words just came out of my mouth smoothly.

While looking at everyone who attended, I expressed every thought and emotion I was feeling at the moment and reminisce the past school years that have come and go.

How my first day as a freshman was awesome.

How each and every one of my classmates did their very best just so they could march up the stage and receive their well-deserved diplomas.

How our teachers taught us everything they know that'd help and how we're grateful for everything they've given to us.

And how much fun and exciting it has been in high school. So many great memories that were created in this very school that we would carry as we jump into another milestone in our lives.

"But there were also those times that we wish would just not remember at all. So much has happened during the last four years of our lives. You might have lost a loved one, failed in a subject, got sick, or even lost a friend. It doesn't matter anymore. Your world doesn't stop once you've lost someone you love. It may be hard at first. Really hard."

I look at my mom and smile, "One thing my mom taught me is that time flies so fast, we can't just catch it and hold on to it forever. Things and people always come and go. It's just how life is." I say as my eyes moved from my mom to Ava.

"A time machine doesn't exist. We can't pause and unpause. Life doesn't revolve on a particular person. That's not real. THIS is our wake up call."

"What should we do? We need to do our best to make life worth living while we still can. While it's still possible, we work harder to make our lives more successful and greater than it already is. We can still do great things."

"Thank you all and congratulations to my fellow graduates!" 

Everyone started applauding making me smile as I went down the stage and sat down next to Ava.

- - - - - 

"Savi, you're missing the party. Come on, everyone's waiting. What are you doing out here?" Mom says as she went closer to where I was standing.

I stood there on the street near a lamp post and a garbage bin, looking over the dark, and quiet house of Austin, all the while clutching the one thing that's been helping me express my thoughts I couldn't say to other people.

My 5-year old diary with only a few empty pages left.

"I just.."

"You're throwing away your graduation speech if you're like this."

I stood there, silent.

She sighed and hugged me. "I just need a few more minutes." I say and she nods, gives me a smile, and heads back inside my house.

I looked at Austin's home once again, the sun slowly disappearing and darkness engulfing my surroundings leaving only the lamp post as my light.

Silence consumed me even more.

"Remember what you said? We can't just catch the time and hold on to it forever. If he comes, he comes. If he doesn't, your life is still ahead just waiting for you to notice it again." 

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