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I watch my dad take River's 1st grade vest off and place it on my hands.

"He's leaving. You're studying at his school now." and with that, he left the room as quickly as he could.

I look at my brother, completely confused as to what was happening.

"River, it's time to go-" 

I look at my mom who's standing in front of the door, stopping  when she saw me and River standing beside each other.

She breaks down in tears.

I went near her and hug her.

"Mommy, where are you going? Can I come too?" 

She breaks the hug, smiles at me, and gives me a piece of paper.

"Every time you miss us, call this number, okay? You know how to do that, right?" I quickly nod, trying to hold back the tears.

And with that, she just dashes out the front door and into her car.

River looks at me, smiling.

"I need you to promise me something, okay?" I nod eagerly.

"When you go to my school, can you protect Savannah Andersen for me?"

"Like a soldier?"

"Yes. Exactly. She's my friend and she makes me smile."

My face brightens up at the word 'friend'.

"My teacher says if someone makes me happy, I should protect and love the person. I will, River. I love you." I say to him causing him to smile at me. 

I hug him.

He hugs me back. "I love you so much, Austin. I promise, when I'm big like Mom, I'll come back for you, ok?" I nod.

- - - - -

"Kids, this is Austin and he's gonna be your new classmate. Be nice to him, okay?" 

Everyone agrees.

"Go seat by Avery Marvin, dear." 

I kept my head hanging low and sat next to this weird sneezing girl.

"Sorry I'm late teacher!" A girl screams by the door.

"It's okay, Savannah. Go to your seat," says the teacher causing me to look up at the girl coming nearer and stops right in front me.

She crosses her arms.

"That's my seat." and with that, I move to the seat next from where I was sitting before and look at her again.

Gone was the annoyed look which was replaced by a confused one.

"You're not gonna tease me?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why am I gonna tease you?"


I held out my hands, "I'm Austin," I say with a smile.

She just looks at my hand, completely bewildered, and sits down.

I just shrug and focused on what I was about to color.

So she's Savannah Andersen.

A few minutes later, she turns to Avery Marvin and says, "Hey, can I borrow your red crayo-" 

She never got to finish her sentence cause when I looked at her, her face was covered in snot.

Disgusted, but it was funny, so I burst out laughing.

Savannah's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now