8 Years Later

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"Ms. Andersen, your book signing schedule has been moved to Saturday instead of today."

I roll my eyes.

"Oh Ava, cut the formalities. It's like you've never acknowledged the fact that we've been friends for years and now that you're my agent, you treat me like some kind of upper-class boss."

"Just messing with you, Savi." she laughs and sits down at the sofa in my office.

I roll my eyes once again. "What are you doing here anyway? I want to finish this by tonight."

"What are you doing, exactly?"

"I'm finishing a draft for my 6th book." 

And with that in mind, she squeals, stands up, and tries to look at the prologue.

I'm not an author if there's no thrill in my book which is why I quickly closed it, making her frown at me.

"I thought I'm your best friend?" she says and grabs a hold of my arm.

I shake my head and smirk at her. "You are, Avery. But I'm not risking any spoilers especially you and your big mouth."

She stands up straight and rolls her eyes. "I'm flattered."

A few more minutes went by then Ava stands up and heads straight toward the door.

"I'm going back to the apartment. Call me when you leave. We're meeting my boyfriend in the Empire State Building."

"So I could be a third wheel again?" I grin and she pauses and turns around, looking at me again.

"Haha. Very funny. I just thought that you might need fresh air." I sigh.

"We graduated 4 years ago, Savi. We have awesome jobs now. You're already one of the famous authors in New York and I love being your manager."

I remain silent.

"I know I told you before to focus on yourself. You did a great job, Ms. High School and NYU Summa Cum Laude. Now, breath some fresh air. It's time to enjoy and finally get what we deserve. You've locked yourself inside your own head for so many years now. Enjoy your life, girl. Besides, tonight might be the first snow this winter," she says then closes the door.

After a few minutes of contemplating, I finally close my computer, grab my coat, and head straight to where Ava was.

- - - - -

"Anthony, we should take a picture here!" Ava says to which her boyfriend agreed to which leaves me as the photographer.

How did I get here again?

After an hour of just taking selfies around the tower, I give the camera to Ava, completely bored and exhausted.

"I'm gonna walk around. Have fun." Without letting her respond, I quickly went to the other side of the tower.

I spent the next few minutes just walking around, mostly avoiding Ava and her boyfriend. With no idea where to go and what to do, I decided to head towards the elevator but not before stopping to look at the amazing view Manhattan has always offered.

With that in mind, I went back near the edge of the tower just enjoying the breathtaking view of New York. 

I mean, I always visit this tower. But tonight, everything seemed different. Like something was about to happen.

I admired the beautiful buildings once more when suddenly, a snowflake dropped on my nose. And another, and another one until I realize what was happening.

"Savi! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Ava says while she nears me, her arm hooked around her boyfriend's.

"It's the first winter snow," she exclaimed and I smile.

"It's always beautiful," Anthony added.

"It is." I agreed. 

Like every first snow ever, it was definitely beautiful.

And like every first snow, I quickly flatten out my palm and wait for a snowflake to land on it. 

As cliche as is sounds, but when a snowflake landed on my palm, it took me back to my life in Florida before college.

How every single winter, Me, Austin, and Ava would wish that there would be snow so we would lay out our palms and wait for snowflakes to land on it.

How I remembered the very first snow I enjoyed with them.

How I remembered that night during Valentine's day dance when it snowed for the first time in 2 years and I shared that moment with my first love.

I remembered how I cried when he never came back for us. For me.

How broken I was but still thankful that I have met a wonderful person.

That person with the most sparkling blue eyes, gorgeous blonde hair, like the one standing in front of me.

Wait. Pause.

Come again?

I quickly closed my eyes and opened them once again. 

I wasn't imagining.

He awkwardly smiles at me and I remain silent.

"Hey, Savi."

I stood there for how many more minutes before I could utter the one name of the person I've been wanting to see again for such a long time.


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