This Is It

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"Hi, you've reached the home of the Andersens! Please, leave a message after this beep."

"Hi Mrs. Andersen. I'm afraid I can't go back. Not right at the moment. I'm really sorry. This is Austin, by the way."

"Hi, you tried calling Avery Marvin's phone. Obviously, I'm either busy at the moment or too lazy to answer the phone. Just leave a message!"

"Uhm, it's Austin. Ava, I'm sorry. Please tell Savi that. I'm afraid I'm gonna break another promise to you guys. I can't go there right now. And Savi, we'll continue our talk if I ever go there. We are not finished."

- - - - -

"Savi, it's been two days since that result came. Open it already."

Mom nods and agrees with Ava. "Ava's right, sweetie. Time is moving fast." 

Ava sighs and sits down on the sofa beside me. "It's not like he didn't just ditch us. He left a message-"

"Saying that there's a possibility that he might never come back? What about senior year? It's two months away. I get it that his family's there, but he promised to finish his high school here. I mean, what are we? Acquaintances? Ava, his our best friend. Our brother. And he abandoned his family here."

"Time is moving fast, dear. Just accept it." Mom interrupts me and gives me a small smile.

"Ava, why are you so calm about this? He's your best friend too."

"Honey, we both know he's more than just a best friend to you." she immediately answers.

I sigh and close my eyes.

Okay, Savi. You can do this.

I opened the given website and find the book writing contest I've joined.

"Okay, here it goes. 1, 2.."

Dear Ms. Savannah Andersen,

We are delighted that you have agreed to enter the contest we've hosted and we are proud to tell you that you've received 2nd place of the Annual Book Writing Contest in Florida. We believe that you have the potential of an aspiring author. So, well done!

We've decided to post your story here in our website so feel free to visit and reread your story, anytime.

A good job for you and we wish you all the best for your future.

Sincerely Yours,

NY Writer's Publishing Co.

"I got 2nd place." I whispered to myself.

Ava hugged me. "Cheer up, girl. At least you're in the top 3. That's still worth celebrating!" 

"And that gives me an idea! I'll order take out and we can binge watch any series you want, dear." Mom says as she stands up and heads toward the telephone, more excited as I was.

I smile at them. 

At least, they're here for me.

The way I hoped Austin would be.

Dear Diary,

I got 2nd place. I don't feel bad about it. It's just, I thought it was just about having fun and making my own story but now, I realized I liked writing stories and it's more than a hobby. 

Only now do I realize that I'd actually want to win that contest and sign a deal with a famous publishing company. 

Well, I think I know what I want for my future now.

At least, that part's solved.

Savannah's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now