New Chapter

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"I- I don't know what to say. It's-it's just that, I haven't seen you in years and here you are."

 Tears started coming out of my eyes.

I look at the person in front of me.

He never changed. Hair, still gorgeously blonde. His eyes, breathtaking. 

Except now, he looks stronger, and more sophisticated.

 "Well, how have you been, Savi?" he gives me a lopsided grin, hands in his pocket.

I walk closer until our faces were just a few inches away from each other and without another thought, I hug him. Tightly.

"I missed you," I whisper just enough for him to hear me.

- - - - -

"Looks like your dream came true." he says then takes a sip on his coffee.

I look at him sitting beside me.

"Book author in New York. Sometimes, I still can't believe it."

Silence engulfed us, but not the awkward silence. The silence that's still comfortable, because you're spending it with someone you love.

"So, how about you? I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what you just told me. I'm sorry, Austin. I didn't know your mom passed away too."

"I guess I'm doing fine. I have this residency offer here in New York and in Minnesota so, I'm still trying to choose between the two."

I place my hand on top of his.

"Austin, why did you not come back when all these stuff happened to you?"

He sits straighter and sighs, "I went to Illinois. Mom died. I worked three jobs a day for a whole year to take my mind off of it, took the GED test and went to college, I studied Biology, by the way, went to Med school, and here I am, about to become an M.D."

I give him a confused look. "You were having such a bad time, why didn't you text us back?"

He looks down again. "I didn't want to burden you. You were having problems of your own and-"

"Well, looks who's back." We both turn around to find Ava looking furious, her hands crossed together.

Austin waves awkwardly. "Hey, Ava."

"Don't Hey, Ava me. Where the heck have you been these past few years? Huh?"

"Ava, calm down." I look at the person behind her and I open my mouth to speak,

"River? What are you doing here? I thought you're back at your apartment?" Austion beats me to it.

"On a New York night? No way, dude."

Ava steps closer to where Austin was sitting and makes him stand up. 

She gives him death glares even though Austin is taller than her. Way taller.

"River's right, you need to calm down."

"Stop pretending to be concerned when all these years, you haven't replied to any of our texts, you missed Savi's 18th birthday, you missed OUR graduation, and did I mention that we were best friends and you should've given us even just a little time to adjust before you disappear again."

"Dude, you didn't tell them?" River asks so I look at Austin once again.

"There's more to what you just told me? What is-"

Ava interrupts my possible conclusions, "Tell us what?"

Austin sighs, "I went to your graduation. Even to your party that night."

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