day forty-three

27 5 1

Date: 12-02-2016

love hurts sometimes

You know what aches?

Its when you give yourself
All of yourself
To this one person you believed
Would treasure your heart
Within their own

Its when you know they know
Everything there is to your
Beautiful existence
They promise to preserve
Your every breath
Forever and always

But then your world shatters
And everything goes wrong
When an empty promise reveals itself
You find yourself holding on
To a slipping fantasy

For they let go of your flawed heart
In pursuit of something 'more'
They forgot they had your trust
And broke free from the bond

You thought they never would
Let go
You thought you could believe in them
Because true love could never break you
True love would never fail

But maybe that's just it, isn't it?

Love hurts sometimes.

And as you start to walk away
With your hand over heart
You feel it beat
and you choose to believe again
ready to fall.

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