day forty-nine

29 4 0

Date: 18-02-2016

Broken Christmas

That Christmas morning
I lay next to a beautiful stranger
and when he opened his eyes I believed
that there was no other place on Earth I'd be.

But the longer I looked the more I woke up
to the startling truth of all the lies
behind that green fleck of mischief and charm
lay the deceit and ugliness of a smile that disarms.

Maybe if I'd looked harder the first time
I could have seen the truth and run far away
from a dangerous boy with secrets to hide
and a disastrous love that would break me apart.

He destroys me from the inside
with his beautifully woven lies
and I always pretend to believe that it'll get better

as I did again last night.

'It's okay,' I tell myself
'You're not in the wrong
You owe it to yourself

So try to move on.'

But I can't.
I can't take the first step
To rid me of this toxic love
That continues to manifest.

A single smile is all I need
To make me fall again
Into his games
Into his arms.

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