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"If I win, I get the girl and her mother freed." I heard Qui Gon tell Watto. He was gambling, that's different for a Jedi. I was eavesdropping, you got good at it when you were a slave.

"You can't have both." He said.

"Then just the girl and you can have the prize money after I get the hyperdrive." He replied. I knew he had an angle but not sure what it was.

"I have a chance cube. Red you get the girl, blue the mother." Watto said. I internally groaned knowing there were more blue than red......I was never going to get out of here. I heard the die roll and Watto groan, I smiled knowing that it landed on red. All I had to do was win.

"I assume you heard all of that?" Qui gon said sneaking up behind me.

"Sorry, it's a habit." I told him. He smirked, but only slightly and walked to where they were all going to stand to watch as I walked out on the course and got into my pod racer. Anakin had figured out how to make my helmet have radio capabilities so he could talk to me.

"Amb, can you hear me?" I heard Anakin say through the radio transmission.

"Yea." I said. The race was about to start.

"Thanks for freeing me." He said making me smile.

"Anakin, I would do anything for you." I said right as the horn rang for us to go and we all sped off.

The one I was going to have to worry about was Sebulba. For the first two laps we were far enough away from each other but once we were the last two left he started to try and make me crash. He came up next to me and started to hit my pod racer. I did that right to him also but it made me partly lose control.

"Amb!" I heard Anakin yell. I had lost power in one of my thrusters.

"Put half the power in both thrusters. You're so close!" I heard Anakin say and did as he said then flew right past Sebulba and right past the finish line in first place. I couldn't believe it, I'm free! I jumped out of the racer and took my helmet off as Anakin ran up and hugged me.

"We're free! We're free!" I said pretty much hysterical. I never imagined I would be free. I stood up and gathered myself.

"We will go bring the hyperdrive back to the ship then come back for you." Qui gon said. I nodded and we went back home to pack. I packed only a few pairs of clothes, the more appropriate clothes and also changed.

"It's time." Anakin said coming into my room. I said my goodbyes to my mother quickly since I didn't want to make a big deal of it  and walked outside with Qui gon, Anakin and my mother. We started to walk away but Anakin ran back and gave our mother a hug.

"Will they train me since I am older?" I asked since Anakin was talking to my mother quickly.

"How do you know so much about the jedi?" He asked trying to avoid the subject.

"I listen and observe." I told him. He didn't say anything else and we left. We walked for about 40 minutes before finally coming in sight of his ship. I was able to keep up with Qui gon but Anakin was falling behind.

I stopped and looked behind me when I felt chills go down my spine. There was something coming towards us and I ran pushing Anakin to the ground so it would get him, Qui gon started to fight him. 

"RUN!" I yelled pulling Anakin up. Grabbing his hand and making him run faster towards the ship since I knew he was tired. We ran on the ship and I let go of his hand running to where I assumed the cockpit was.

"Look!" I yelled to the two men in the room.

"Fly low to the ground." One of them said. I saw his lightsaber and knew he must be the padawan. We all ran back to the ramp as Qui gon jumped in and fell down.

"Are you ok?!" Anakin asked running up to him.

"What was that?" The padawan asked.

"I don't know.....You two this is my padawan Obi wan Kenobi. Obi wan this is Anakin and Amberlee Skywalker." Qui gon said getting up and walking away to the cockpit.

"You're a Jedi too! It's a pleasure!" Anakin said making me smirk as he shook Obi wan's hand. Obi wan then turned his attention to me. He looked surprise as he shook my hand.

"You're a Zeltron?!" He said. I chuckled feeling Anakin's gaze on us.

"Well techniqually I'm only half, but yes I am Zeltron." I said shaking his hand.

"I have only ever read about your species but never me one. I read that they were the most beautiful creatures in the galaxy, elegant yet dangerous at the same time." He said. I raised my eyebrow.

"I mean I'm sure you're not dangerous, you're too beautiful to be dangerous." He said. I laughed and went close to him.

"You're just digging a bigger hole, Kenobi." I told him then walked away with Anakin following as we went to Couruscont.

*skip to Couruscont*

"The girl will be trained, but the boy will not." One of the masters said. I was in the room with only Qui gon, we were the two they requested to speak to.

"With all do respect to the council I believe the boy to be the chosen one, I will train him with or without the councils permission." Qui gon said."I will be bringing the boy back to Naboo on this mission with me and I will train him as my padawan." He continued then walked out. I was just standing there very confused.

"Why are you training me but not him, I am just slightly confused." I asked trying to be respectful.

"Your brother legs his feelings overcome him. But you, you are level headed and calm....." The one who I learned was Mace Windu said.

"Train you, who will?" Master Yoda said. I knew it was not him speaking to me but he was speaking to the council members.

"I will train her." A male Nautolan said standing up.

"Master Fisto, your master he will be. Meeting adjourned it is." Master Yoda said. All the other Jedi left while Master Fisto came up to me.

"My name is Kit Fisto." He said smiling. I could tell he was a very outgoing individual.

"I am Amberlee Skywalker...but you already knew that." I said laughing towards the end.

"I can tell you will get along here just fine, Amberlee." He said. I smiled to him and he led me out of the council room.

"Let's get you some new clothes and settled in shall we?" He said. I nodded and followed him ready to start my new life.

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