The Agreement

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I was on my way to the chancellor's office being escorted by Obi wan and Anakin; Zeb was also with us. I was not happy to be here and there was tension in the air since I hadn't talked to Obi wan since our...disagreement. I was wearing a fitting dress that was white with a gold pattern on it and a cape that went down to the floor with a gold crown on.

"So...does anybody know what this is all about?" Zeb asked trying to break the silence although you could hear the clicking of my heels on the floor.

"I assume he want's to convince Zeldoria to rejoin the republic." Anakin replied. I huffed.

"Maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea Amberlee." Obi wan said. I
gave him a slight glare before replying.

"It is not what my people want." I replied.

"Maybe they've changed their minds." He retorted.

"Or, maybe they're happy with the decision previously made." I said stopping and looked at him.

"or, maybe they should have another vote too see...or their queen could just decide as too what she believes is the right decision." He snapped. I could tell he immediately wanted to take it back. This wasn't about rejoining the republic, it was about having a child again.

"you two are relieved of your duty. I have Garazeb here with me and we know our way, thank you." I said then turned around and started walking again. I was riled up so hopefully the chancellor didn't piss me off. We walked in and a grimy smile went upon his face.

"Queen Skywalker, what a pleasure too see you again." he said. I kept a straight face and silence.

"You're probably wondering why I called you here. I wanted too extend an invitation for Zeldoria too join the republic once again, I believe it would be most beneficial for you." He said. Shivers were sent down my spine when he said that.

"In what way?"

"I fear that the seperatists will try to attack Zeldoria now that Count Dooku is dead at the hands of your brother." He said. I tried to hide my surprise but we hadn't ever gotten too speaking about his mission. I stayed collected.

"We have an army. We can take care of ourselves, besides we pose no threat too the seperatists."

"You don't, but your brother does. If anybody knew how much he went too visit, they may feel like you are with the republic secretly." He said walking around. I looked to Zeb and he gave me a cautious look.

"Do you know of some attack looming over us, Chancellor?"

"No, no, I am just thinking of you mi'lady." He said. I stood there thinking for a moment. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to rejoin? I mean we could handle ourselves but for how long...and it wouldn't look suspicious when Obi wan came to visit.

"I will put up an emergency vote, but Chancellor, know that we will not be bullied into joining and it is solely up to my people on whether or not we rejoin." I said.

"Glorious. Please let me know soon." He said. I turned around and walked out walking back to my ship.

"Are you sure this is the best idea?" Zeb asked.

"I honestly don't know but....I do know one thing is that I do not trust that the chancellor isn't hiding something from us." I told him talking quietly down the hall. Many people kept looking at us, I am assuming it was because we weren't in the republic but I didn't want too alert anyone of distrust.

When we got back to the ship I immediately contacted Sean.

"Is everything alright your highness?" He asked immediately.

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