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I was standing in the elevator looking out the window. Couruscont has always been beautiful to me, and I always love coming home to it from missions. The door opened to the elevator and when I turned around what I saw made me smile hugely. I immediately hugged my brother whom I hadn't seen for 10 years.

"Umm......" He said. I released him and looked at him, but he still didn't seem to recognize me.

"Don't you dare tell my you don't recognize your own sister, Anakin." Obi wan said. Anakin's eyes went wide when he realized it was me and hugged me almost crushing me.

"You're taller than me! That's a first." I said when he finally released me. We pressed the button to Padme's floor and went up. I then bombarded Obi wan with a hug too.

"How have you been?" Obi wan asked. I was surprised he didn't stumble over his words this time.

"I've been pretty good, how about you two? I haven't seen you Obi wan in five years and Anakin in ten!" I told them.

"Wait, you've seen my sister before me?!" Anakin asked. We laughed.

"It was totally on accident." I said. He sulked back and I punched him in the shoulder.

"What was that for?!" He asked.

"You're emotions are going haywire today! I can sense them, it's like a tornado of emotions......why are you so nervous?" I asked him.

"I have seen her in ten years! Any time I think about her it's intoxicating." He said. I flicked him in the forehead immediately knowing it was about Padme.

"Ow! Would you stop doing that?" He practically yelled as the elevator opened.

"No, and I'm going to have Obi wan do it too until you get your feelings in check. Now put a happy face on and let's go protect a senator!" I said being cheery per usual. I was much happier than I had been ten years ago, I was a Jedi, I had a home and a new family.  We walked into the apartment and Padme came out into the living room. I was standing in between Obi wan and Anakin.

"It is wonderful to see you again Master Kenobi." She said. She then looked to me and Anakin and was surprised.

"Amberlee? Ani?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled.

"You both look so different but oh my, Ani how you've grown." She said turning his attention to him.

"You've grown also, more beautiful, well for a senator." He said. I almost flicked him again but I could do that later, instead I looked to Obi wan with an inquisitive look.

"We'll talk later." I whispered to him since Anakin an Padme were finishing their conversation.

I could sense my brothers strong feelings of attraction. Padme invited us to sit down and I got stuck in the middle of Anakin and Obi wan. I was about seven inches shorter than Anakin and five inches shorter than Obi wan but I never let that hold me back.

"I promise we will find whoever is trying to kill you." Anakin said immediately. Obi wan and I both looked at him.

"We will do what we were sent here for, my young padawan." Obi wan said. Now they were going to have a conversation through me, great.

"Master, we are Jedi. Protection is for the local law enforcement, why else would we be here if not to find the assassin?" Anakin said. He did make a point but he still shouldn't have said that to her.

"If you'll excuse me, I am going to retire." She said. We all stood up out of respect.

"Goodnight." We said in unison. Once she left I turned to face Obi wan and Anakin.

"What was that?!" I whisper yelled at them. They both looked flustered and didn't respond. I sighed and sat back down on the couch.

"I'm going to go make sure the cameras are all set, you two stay here." Obi wan said. We both nodded and Anakin came to sit next to me.

"I missed you." He said.

"I missed you too. It sounds like you give Obi wan a lot of trouble." I said chuckling.

"I guess I do sometimes. What's going on between you two?" He asked.

"Nothing. We're good friends." I told him.

"Well I know you both and just friends were way too happy to see each other." He said. I shrugged not knowing what it was.

"Anakin, what I have learned from my years and now being a Jedi knight, you are allowed to have these feelings but don't let them control you." I told him.

" should get some rest, I'll keep watch." He said. I smiled and let my head fall back onto the couch drifting off into sleep.


"No! I won't let you do that to my daughter! You can't mark her!" Someone yelled. I was watching a little girl hide under her bed, it all seemed too familiar.

"It's happening whether you want it to or not! Now move!" Another voice yelled. I immediately knew what I was seeing. After a moment the door crashed open.

"Come here twerp!" The male Zeltron said. He looked under the bed and grabbed the little girl whom fought to get away but she was so small.

"Let me go!" She yelled but he took out the marker and stuck it into the back of her neck. She yelled in pain making me cringe. That mark meant she was to be sold for, usage(for lack of better words) when she became older. The dream started to fade as someone was bringing me back from it.

"Amberlee! Amberlee, wake up!" Obi wan was saying shaking me. I immediately touched the back of my neck, the mark was still there. Out of reflex I went in for a hug.

"What happened?" He asked rubbing his hand on my head to make me feel better. I shook my head, if I started talking about it I wouldn't stop crying. I pulled back from him and wiped my eyes.

"That's a story for another you sense that?" I asked. Obi wan and Anakin immediately bolted to Padme's room and I ran after them. There was a droid outside the window so I jumped out of it and landed on the droid holding on for my life.

*Obi wan POV*

"Let's go!" I yelled to Anakin and we went up to the roof to get a speeder.

"I'll drive!" He yelled, I sighed but got in anyways.

"Do you have any idea what she could've been dreaming about?" I asked him. We had to find her first to save her.

"It was probably something from her past, she's never talked about the time before I was born, never even hinted at anything." He said. I was puzzled, what could have happened.

"There!" I yelled pointing to her. We caught her just in time since she was thrown off the assassins vehicle. 

"What took you two so long?" She said. I could tell she was still on edge about her dream but she tried to shake it off. 

"Oh you know, I have always been picky." Anakin said. I rolled my eyes. 

*Amberlee POV*

"look at this!" I said finding a blaster. I held it up.

"What are you going to do with that?! Can you even shoot a blaster?" Obi wan asked. I smirked at him.

"You underestimate my abilities, Obi wan Kenobi." I said then pointed the blaster at the assassins ship, shooting at its ship and hitting in just the right spot sending the ship crashing by a bar. 

"Where did you learn to do that?" Anakin asked.

"I have my ways. Now land over there, he went into the bar."  I told him. He landed the speeder and we all got out. 

"Don't do anything rash......" Obi wan started telling Anakin but I went in without them walking to the bar. I looked around and observed the people, trying to blend in. I looked around but someone caught my eye. I started to only hear white noise as I saw a face I never believed I would see again. That's why I had that dream, he's back. 

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