The Ball

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"you look...uncomfortable, but nice too." I said trying to hold back a laugh talking to Zeb.

"I hate dressing nicely." He stated.

"You didn't have to come, there will be others here." I said. We were walking in a garden going up to the building that the ceremony was in.

"no, I would rather suffer for a few hours than risk something matter how trustworthy the jedi are." He said. I smirked and kept walking. I was wearing a cream ball gown dress with gold designs on the bottom and top with more design holding up the dress. I also had my royal crown on, not the biggest but also not the smallest.

"Maybe we will see Padme there." I said. "At least we would know someone, since we shouldn't draw attention to my brother." I said trying too make the situation better. We walked through the doors and entered a room with shining chandeliers  and multiple people in ball gowns and tuxedo's.
I found Padme and walked over to her, she was wearing a dress that didn't hug her body but still flattered her.

"Hi Padme." I said. She returned the hi with an unexpected hug.

"I did what you suggested." She said leaning over to me. I stood next to her sipping on my drink I got and watching the people.

"How did he react?" I asked her. Zeb knew what the conversation was about and instead walked around, still close but not too close.

"I think he is happy but also nervous at the same time." She said. I smiled.

"It'll all work out, I promise." I said making her smile.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention? It is time for the queen of Zeldoria to come and sign the agreement for them to rejoin the republic." The chancellor said through the microphone.

"That's me. Padme, we'll talk more later." I said too her. She mouthed a "good luck" to me as I approached the podium with Zeb following behind. I would be broadcasted too my people while up there so I had to be careful.

"Thank you chancellor. People of the republic and people of Zeldoria, I come before you today to announce the rejoining of Zeldoria to the republic." *crowd clapping* "As I sign this treaty, it symbolizes a bond of trust and a vow that cannot be broken. Please join me in raising your glasses and toasting to this newfound friendship with the republic." I finished raising my glass up and sipping part of it. I then went over and signed the agreement along with the chancellor. Everybody clapped.

"Now, please, enjoy tonight and thank you again to Zeldoria." The chancellor said. I nodded towards him but only too keep up appearances, I still didn't like him. I didn't have a good feeling about this ball.

"Zeb...please stay close. I do not have a good feeling." I said to Zeb under my breath. He nodded and we walked over to where my brother and Obi wan were, I didn't care whom saw us at this moment.

"Nice speech, your highness." Obi wan said bowing. I raised my eyebrow and smirked.

"Mister...Kenobi is it?" I said slightly flirtatiously. He smirked and nodded.

"Care too join me for a dance?" I asked. His eyes glistened.

"Well, we should keep up appearances." He said holding out his arm for me to take and leading me out onto the dance floor. Zeb stayed with Anakin, they were speaking.

"Did they wire you?" I asked. He shook his head, thankfully they hadn't.

"I made a decision." I said. He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"My answer is yes...but I don't want five kids and I want to wait it out a little while." I said. His face had a huge smile which made me roll my eyes. In that moment somethings changed and my vision became blurred to something else.

"Amberlee? Did this actually work?" I heard Ahsokas voice ask. I was in a dark place with stars for light, and a fire where Ahsoka was on the other side. She looked different even though it hadn't been that long since I last saw her but it seemed as if something was wrong.

"Ahsoka? What is this?"

"I am contacting you through our minds. Look ,you're in grave danger, the Sith Lord has sent assassins for tonight to come and kidnap you. You need to get out of there before it's too late." She said quickly.

"What do you mean?"

"Just get out of there!" She yelled before I was blasted back into reality.

I blinked multiple times, my vision coming back together. I looked around and observed the people around us, there were ones that didn't feel like light sided individuals. I was surrounded.

"What is it?" Obi wan asked with a worried look. I leaned in close to his ear so nobody else could hear and I was looking at my brother and Zeb.

"I need to get out of here. I cannot explain what just happened but something bad is going to happen. How many Jedi are here?" I asked.

"At the moment, it is just Anakin and I." He whispered. I whipped my head away with a furious look.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked. Before he could reply all the lights went out, you could hear people gasping and panicking then Anakin and Obi wan ignited their lightsabers.

"Zeb, get her out of here." Obi wan said. He came over and grabbed my arm for me to grab and follow him. As we were walking away, canisters were thrown into the room clanking on the floor.

"Sleepy gas." I said just as we heard people falling to the floor. It must've gotten close too us because Zeb fell over too, I could sense him trying to fight it but it overcame him. I panicked, I was in the dark and surrounded by something which I didn't know of.

"Sorry ,your highness but the party is over." Someone came and whispered in my ear then put a cloth over my mouth and nose making me black out.

I awoke later on a hard, metal surface with my neck aching. I sat up and looked around, I was in a cell with bars. I stood up and tried to walk over to the bars but was sent down when my leg tugged on a chain connected to the wall.

"Damnit...hey! Is anybody there??" I called out. Nobody answered for a moment until I heard a voice.

"You didn't get out in time." The voice said. I turned around and looked, it was in my cell. The voice scooted forward into the light and revealed herself.


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