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*3 days later*
I had the rest of the day to relax so I decided to explore. I found the war room, training room and meditation room but what truly attracted me was on the roof. It was a tree, I was captivated by it. Since I had lived on a desert wasteland all my life I had never seen a tree.

I walked all around it and it still amazed me. Thankfully I was the only one up here or I would've felt silly. I wondered about how Anakin was doing, apparently Qui Gon had died and now Obi wan was his master. It was sad but everything happens for a reason.

"It's the tree of peace and meditation." A voice said behind me startling me. I turned to see it was just Obi wan, my brother wasn't with him though.

"It's beautiful. I feel.....safe around it, if that makes sense." I said. He came closer.

"It makes perfect sense" he said making me smile.

"Want to know a secret?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrow in wonder.

"This is the first tree I have ever seen." I told him.

"Seriously?" He asked. I nodded blushing slightly.

"There aren't trees on Tattoine. I'm captivated by it, it's truly beautiful." I said.

"I'm glad I could be part of your first tree experience." He said. I smirked an looked at him, seeing the sadness in his eyes.

"I know you don't know me very well but I am sorry for your loss. And if you need to talk or need a friend just to take your mind off it, I am here" I told him.

"You know, at first glance I thought you would be the stereotypical sneaky, seductive, dangerous Zeltron female that I've read about but I don't think you're like that now that I've talked to you." He said. I face palmed laughing, he must like me because he seems to say the wrong things around me.

"Ummmm, I think I'll take that as a compliment." I said chuckling.

"Ummm......sorry, for some reason I keep saying stupid things." He said. I smirked and sat down leaning my back on the tree. I patted next to me and Obi wan sat down.

"Since you can't seem to say the right thing, tell me about being a jedi." I said changing the discussion. We talked into the evening. We talked about nothing inparticular, first about being a Jedi then random things and thoughts.

"Got any advice for training your brother." He asked. I sighed thinking about it for a moment before replying.

"He lets his feelings consume him. Beat that out of him or it will be his downfall." I said. I hadn't noticed when I was talking but our faces were very close. I turned my head back down and decided to leave, I was getting cold and didn't want anything to happen.

"I better get going, I am sure I will have a long day of training tomorrow." I told him.
"Thank you, Amberlee." He said also getting up.

"I'm sure I'll be seeing you in the future, Kenobi. Tell my brother I said be good." I said saying goodbye and going to my room. Did I just flirt with a jedi? This can't be happening. What even just happened?

*5 years later*

I was sitting under the meditation tree, thinking. Ever since that first day I found it, I come here to relax. I was thinking about the fact that my master said that I am close to being ready for the trials which seems unbelievable but he seems to think I am capable of it. He said I learn quickly and focus and that is why I could be knighted soon. No padawan had ever went to Jedi knight/master that quick.

My meditation was interrupted by someone who sighed near me. I opened my eyes and looked around seeing no one. Then I looked on the other side of the tree and saw Obi wan Kenobi. He looked so different, although it had been 5 years. He probably didn't even know I was there.

"Is my brother that tiring?" I said making him jump, surprised. I smiled, happy to see my friend.

"Amberlee? It's been what, 5 years?!" He said greeting me as I sat next to him and nodded.

"You look so different......in a good way." He said stumbling over his words yet again. I rolled my eyes.

"You look different in a good way too, Kenobi. So, what's on your mind?" I asked him. I hadn't seen him nor my brother in 5 years.

"Well, I feel that I am doing a horrible job training your brother. He is very reckless and I can't seem to get him to not be so reckless." He said. I nodded thinking about it.

"I honestly don't know how to help you there. He's always been like that." I told him. He sighed again.

"And he thinks about you a lot, as do I." He said mumbling the last part. I let out a laugh.

"Boys, I just can't keep them away." I said being humorous. Master Fisto has taught me to try and find humor in all things to stay happy. Obi wan must not have gotten that it was a joke because he looked worried.

"That was a joke. But, you both should know I am very well and will be a Jedi knight soon." I told him. His eyes went wide.

"So soon?!"

"Surprisingly yes. Master Fisto says I'm a "special" case and that since my midichlorian count is so high and I'm so focused I, infact, have accelerated past most Jedi." I told him.

"That's great! I wish your brother had as much focus as you." He said making me laugh.

"Same! But you're smart, you'll figure it out." I said winking, as my com link beeped.

"Amberlee, we have a mission. Meet me in the hanger." Master Fisto said.

"Yes, Master." I said then sighed. I didn't want to leave, I wanted to keep talking to Obi wan.

"Well, Kenobi....send my brother a hello from me and good luck. Try not to think about me too much" I said smirking before I left to go on my mission, I wasn't sure when I would see him again.

*5 years later*

*knock knock knock* "Amberlee!" I awoke slowly to hear knocks on my door and someone call my name. I must've fallen asleep, I had just gotten back from a mission where I was up for 36 hours. I opened my room door to see my old master, Kit Fisto standing there.

"Hi Master Fisto, what can I help you with?" I asked him.

"Nobody has been able to reach you for hours so I figured I would just come tell you your mission.....were you sleeping?" He asked. I nodded.

"I can ask someone else but I figured you would want to go on this mission. You need to go to Senator Amidala's apartment in sector B, there has been an assassination attempt on her life and you will be protecting her until the assassin can be found......two other Jedi will meet you there." He said. I yawned before replying.

"Ok, I will go right away. Thank you, Master." I said as he left. I went and got ready wondering who else was going to be on this mission.

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