Something new?

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"Master, Master wake up!"  a voice yelled waking me up. I snapped up an looked around, my eyes adjusting. Obi wan, Anakin, Caleb and Ahsoka were all in my room.

"Do you all not know how to knock?" I asked cranky. They should know I don't like to be woken up.

"It's like 1 in the afternoon!" Anakin said. I looked to my alarm clock and he was correct, I freaked out.

"Oh my force, I never sleep that late!" I said jumping out of my bed and going right to my closet. I was up all night though, I am not sure why but I sense something is going to happen soon.

"Give me 10 minutes to take a shower and I will be right out." I told them. I took a quick shower and changed quickly blow drying my hair slightly so it wasn't soaked.

"That was 20 minutes" Anakin said snakily when I came out of my room. I gave him a glare.

"Nobody ever said you had to wait." I retorted. He stuck his tongue out and I rolled my eyes.

"So what are we doing for training today?" Caleb asked changing the conversation knowing how Anakin and I could argue for hours.

"Why don't you all work on meditation?" Obi wan said.

"Lets." I said. Obi wan left us and we went to the tree on the roof sitting around it.

"Focus on your breathing and listening to the force around you, only focusing on meditation and relaxation." I told them. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes repeating the deep breathing.


"Deliah, you can't deny them help just because of the past." My old friend Zeus said. They looked so different.

"I can do whatever I want, I won't risk her taking my throne!" Deliah yelled back.

"That's not why she's here! She's here for her people!" He yelled back at her then walked away. I didn't know where he was going since I was coming back to consciousness.

*end vision*

"Amberlee! What just happened?" Anakin asked shaking me out of my vision.

"I don't know but I do know that I am starving." I told him with a smirk trying to avoid the conversation. He rolled his eyes.

"You and your appetite, Ahsoka and Caleb you are dismissed for the day." He said and they left.

"Being an awesome jedi like me takes lots of food." I told him when we grabbed our food and sat down to eat. We sat in silence for a few moments, Anakin kept giving me looks.

"Just say what you are thinking please." I told him.

"What are your visions about?" He asked. I looked down and shrugged.

"What vision?" I asked. I knew these visions were going to bring back my past which I wanted no one knowing of especially Anakin and Obi wan.

"Seriously Amb?! I know something is up, just tell me what it is and maybe I can help." He said. I shook my head and got up.

"This is something you cannot help me with nor will I let you, I will see you later." I said getting up throwing my garbage away and walking away. I knew he probably felt horrible but I couldn't show him my past, it was a different me. Besides I remember the council wanted to have a council meeting today, right now actually so I went to the meeting room and sat in my chair next to Obi wan.

"Are you ok? Anakin contacted me and mentioned what happened." Obi wan said. I leaned over to him.

"Nothing happened, he's just overreacting." I said then leaned back in my chair as the meeting started. I wasn't listening too much but just enough that they wouldn't be able to tell if I wasn't listening. I zoned back in when they started talking about Zeldoria, the native planet of my species.

"We could use their planet as a place to restore our troops in the war, I wan't to suggest making a treaty with them."Master Windu said. That made my head perk up.

"Are they on the side of the seperatists?" Master Secura spoke. He shook his head.

"So why would we provoke a planet if it seems like they want no part in this war?" I said speaking up. Master Yoda looked at me just like he had been for the whole meeting, he knew something was up.

"They could help us in a very large way perhaps win this war." Master Windu retorted slightly aggressive. He could be a very aggressive person.

"But if they don't pose a threat at the moment let's just leave them alone! They are not a people that we want to deal with, they only care about the pay they get." I told them all. There were many whispers to the jedi next to them.

"Fellow Masters, I do not believe we should provoke this planet. Let's keep an eye on them and pose something only if the separatists try to get them on their side but I do not believe we should try to strike up a treaty with them." I said. I could sense all of them thinking extensively about it. Master Yoda was about to speak when the transmitter started beeping, showing a transmission from the chancellor.

"Master Jedi, I come before you today to request something of you. I would like you to send some jedi to the planet Zeldoria to strike up a treaty before Count Dooku gets there." He said. I sighed.

"Do that we can." Master Yoda said. I knew he felt uneasy about this now especially since the Chancellor suggested it. I didn't trust him but my brother seemed to for some reason.

"Might I suggest sending the Skywalkers and Master Kenobi to do so?" He said. I kept my feelings in check but was furious.

"We will take your suggestion into consideration." Master Windu said. The chancellor turned from them on the transmission to me.

"Master Skywalker, please come to my office before you leave so I can give you some needed information for this mission." He said. I bowed my head in acknowledgment as the transmission ended.

"guess it is decided it is, both Skywalkers and Master Kenobi go to Zeldoria you will, may the force be with you all." Master Yoda said closing the meeting. I went up to him ignoring Obi wans looks towards me.

"Master Yoda...." I started

"Know this makes you uncomfortable I do. have to do this, believe I do, get closure from your past on this journey you will." He said. I nodded and walked away, Obi wan following behind.

"We will leave tomorrow morning bright and early, do you mind filling in Anakin I am going to get Kanan and go over to the council building." I told him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Amberlee, you can't keep avoiding talking about this, it'll eat you alive. I know you." He said.

"I don't want my past to come back, OK?! I don't want anyone to know about it, it's not something I like to talk about you know that." I told him. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"You have to talk about it eventually, you can't just keep it down inside. That is what Anakin does and it is not good." He said. I sighed knowing he was right.

"Alright, just not right now since the chancellor wants to talk to me. Later." I told him before walking away. Thankfully I found Kanan in the hall.

"Hey kid. We've got something to do, C'mon." I told him. He looked excited as we went to the council building.

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