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"I will fill you in on the way, lets go." Obi wan said. I had missed all the fighting, and the bounty hunter was getting away. We went and ran to our ships and I followed Obi wan.

"I put a tracker on his ship so if we lose him." Obi wan said through the com channel.

"Shouldn't we just wait a bit, then follow him?" I asked.

"I guess that would be wise, let's wait on this astroid." He said and we landed. We didn't get out since we couldn't breath in space but it was a better idea than to just blindly follow him.

"He is on Geonosis." Obi wan said. I sighed, I had heard rumors from my slave days about Geonosis and I didn't like them.

"I don't like the feeling of this....but, lets go." I told him starting to fly again towards Geonosis. He followed me as we maneuvered through the asteroid field.

"So, what are we supposed to do about us?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I knew what he meant but wanted to hear him say it.

"Well.....we are jedi, we broke the rules. Do we like leave the order? Do we deceive them and get our own place?" He asked. He made it sound like we murdered someone.

"I don't know...but what I do now is that I don't want to leave the order, it is my family.....but I also am in love with you so I just don't know Obi wan." I told him. I didn't realize what I was saying when I said it but I can't believe I just told him I was in love with him.

" just came out." I said quickly.

"No, it's ok....I love you too." He said making me smile from ear to ear as we approached the planet. We landed near one of the cave entrances where the bounty hunter went. I looked to Obi wan and he nodded following me in. We walked about five minutes down before I stopped him since I heard voices. They were separatists talking about the attempted assassination of Padme and a treaty to be signed, and I believe it was Count Dooku there also but I had never met him before.

"Obi wan, go contact the council.....I will try to get their plans from the computer." I told him.

"I don't know if that is the best idea." He said.

"You know I am going to do it anyways, so you might as well get going so you can come back and help me." I told him. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't die" He said before giving me a quick kiss and then walking away to go send the transmission. I looked below into the room to make sure nobody was there before opening the vent and jumping down. I walked over to the computer and took the hard drive putting it in my pocket. When I went to turn around a red lightsaber was ignited right in front of my face...Definitely Count Dooku.

"A zeltron female, what business could you have here?" He asked taking the hard drive out of my pocket by using the force. I sighed and put my hands up turning to face him, he un ignited his lightsaber and noticed mine, taking it with the force. I looked at it with pleading eyes, now I was defenseless.

"A female, Zeltron jedi at that. Very rare must be Amberlee Skywalker." He said. My eyes widened.

"Yes, I know who you are...I have my sources. I assume you know exactly who I am." He asked. I nodded making him smirk.

"I have never met a zeltron female that was so quiet." He said coming closer to me. I glared at him.

"Maybe you should give me the hard drive back, then I will have plenty to say." I said snarkily. He circled around me making me slightly anxious.

"There is the typical Zeltron, fiesty.I see you came with my old friend, Obi wan Kenobi." He said turning his attention to the door.

When his attention was away I kicked my leg onto his legs trying to make him fall, I was successful and grabbed my lightsaber igniting it just as I grabbed it. He was quick though and got up igniting his ready to fight. I looked to Obi wan when he came in, he was being brought in by some droids all with guns ready to fire.

"I wouldn't suggest doing what you are thinking of doing, pretty lady." A voice said whom I assumed was Jango Fett pointing a blaster at my head. I sighed, but was reluctant to un ignite my lightsaber.

"Don't you want to save your friend, just surrender and he will be spared." Dooku said. I looked to Obi wan then back at Dooku and shut my eyes focusing on my breathing. I used the force to push the droids away from Obi wan and did a 360 to try and make sure Jango didn't shoot me but he backed up before I could get him and shot his blaster right into my upper left chest making me fall back in pain. Dooku came over and took my lightsaber.

"You have a spark to you, I will give you that. Take them to a cell." He said to Jango. Jango came over and pulled me up by my other arm while more droids came to escort us to our cell. We were thrown into one where Obi wan was put in a force field part and I was chained to the wall with shackles on my feet. I felt like a slave once more and was in excruciating pain.

"Why did you do that?" Obi wan asked worried. I clenched my teeth as sudden pain came.

"Because I couldn't let them know that I have feelings for you. Obi wan, if this is to work we have to be able to let go of each other if necessary. We can't let our feelings get in the way." I told him leaning my head against the wall.

"Are you going to be ok? I wish I could help you." He said. All I could do was nod. I would've replied but I felt a disturbance in the force and focused my energy on it. I saw Anakin and Padme being captured by Geonosians. I opened my eyes and sighed knowing I probably shouldn't have done that.

"I sense Anakin and Padme, they're here...I hope they sent the transmission." I said. All I wanted was to have the pain go away. Before Obi wan could reply, Dooku came in the room. He looked at me with a look that was almost sympathetic.

"I have asked and if you join us, your lives will be spared and she will get medical attention." He said. I glared at him.

"I would rather die than join you! Why are you doing this? I can sense good in you." I asked cringing at the pain once again.

"The republic is corrupt. There is darkness in it." He said. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Obi wan, please listen to me. You're going to die if you don't agree to join us, and your friend is already in enough'll not only be helping yourself, but her also." Dooku said to him. Obi wan looked over to me and I shook my head in a no motion.

"Then I cannot help you." Dooku said moving back to let some Geonosians in to take us to our deaths.

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