The plan

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*this is sort of just a filler chapter FYI*

There weren't many choices in my closet to just go out so what I found will have to do. It hopefully gave off he vibe for people to leave me be. I made my way up the steps of the Jedi council sensing that my old master was in the Jedi council chambers so I went there.

When I arrived at the council meeting place Caleb was waiting outside he door.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" I asked him giving him a hug.

"Waiting for you...they all are."  He said the. Opened the doors walking in, I followed.

"Amberlee, good to see you in person it is" master Yoda said.

"Thank you."

"You're probably wondering why we brought you here. We don't believe that this ball tonight is a good idea." Master Windu said. That struck a nerve inside of me.

"I don't either but I didn't see any of you jumping to help me when I was in the chancellors office." I snapped.

"You didn't let me finish. We wanted to ask if you have an heir to your throne in case something happens now that we are sure you will have targets on your back for rejoining." He said. I closed my eyes for a second then reopened them.

"Are you suggesting that I am going to die for rejoining the republic? Why should Zeldoria rejoin if the Jedi council, my previous home, doesn't even think I am safe?!" I asked looked at all of them. The one face that caught my eyes was Obi wan's, they had a look of worry.

"We don't mean to not make you feel safe, but we want to be sure of everything." My brother said. He knows I have an heir! He could've told them that but then again at the same time it may have given too much away. I wonder if Padme told him her news yet.

"Yes, I have an heir to the throne if anything shall happen to me...but it won't" I replied trying to calm down.

"Now, about tonight...we have many Jedi that will be undercover at the ball. You have to make your speech very quickly so we can keep you safe at all costs." Master Windu continued.

"Master Yoda, you've been awfully quiet...what is your input on this?" I asked turning my, and everyone else's, attention towards him. He looked me right in the eyes and I softened my gaze.

"Dismissed everyone is. Stay, master Fisto." He said, my brother came over to me but I shook him off keeping my gaze on Master Yoda. I know that my brother knew of this, he should've warned me but him and the chancellor are buddies.

"I can sense your stress, young one" Master Fisto said. I let my shoulders slouch a little bit and sat down cross legged on the floor.

"I don't know what to do...I have the weight of a whole species on my shoulders plus I have to make sure that I do not die because I don't have a Zeltron heir to the throne and that's against the ancient law but we made an exception at the time." I said quickly then realizing I said too much. They both raised their eyebrows at each other.

"I wasn't raised to do this...and why is the chancellor insisting on having a huge event? I don't trust him at all." I said.

"Need me right now you do not. Protection, you will have. Try to relax you must. May the force be with you." Master Yoda said walking out. I stood up and looked to my old master.

"Amberlee, you are doing a wonderful job as Queen. Your people adore you, just keep doing what you're doing." My old master said. I smiled lightly at him.

"You've gotten Ben more feisty since you've become queen...if that's even possible." He said chuckling.

"Well...being a woman in this field you have to show strength. It keeps people from trying to take me and my planet over." I replied.

"Now, who is this heir of yours? When I conducted studies of Zeldoria, the law states that the heir must be someone of Zeldorian blood and somehow related to the queen or king." He heart skipped a beat.

"When I was inducted queen, we bent the rules slightly. The heir is just not Zeldorian." I said looking down.

"So you got married?" He asked. I gulped.

"Where's my invitation?" He said making fun. I rolled my eyes with a laugh, thankfully he wasn't going to persist.

"I'll invite you to the anniversary party." I said jokingly.

"I have to go get ready, will you be there tonight?" I asked. He nodded with his usual smile. I bowed and left.

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