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Hey everyone! So this chapter is going to be a little shorter than usual but I am volunteering earlier than usual and time just went super fast today and I just wanted to update for you all but I promise the next chapter will be longer!

"Wilson, I have a special mission for you. Deliver this personally to Maz Kanata on Takodana and please try to bring her back with you." I said handing Wilson my letter to Ms.Kanata.

I knew nothing of her, but Obi wan said she may be able to help. I was getting ready for my coronation. I had told Kanan, Ahsoka and Anakin about me leaving and they weren't happy about it. To much of their protests I knew this is what I had to do, thanks to future Ahsoka.

"Yes, your majesty." He said then walked out. I had my dress on and was my hair stylist was finishing my hair. I couldn't believe all the things as queen I could get.

"It is all done. You're ready." She said. I smiled and thanked her looking in the mirror as she walked out. I walked over to the full body mirror and was wowed at myself. I hadn't worn a dress since my slave days but this one was far more fitting and beautiful. I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said. The door opened to reveal Caleb and Anakin.

"Please don't be here to try and convince me to not do this. I am having a hard enough time already." I said to them. They both just came over and hugged me surprising me.

"We are just going to miss you...especially Obi wan." Caleb said. I smiled.

"I will miss you all so much. But you'll come see me every once in a while, I will make sure of it." I told them.

"You look beautiful." Anakin said.

"I just hope I am a good queen." I said.

"They couldn't have picked anyone better." He said.

" I guess you better go find your places." I said to them. Anakin gave me a playful sibling punch then walked away with Caleb. I turned back and looked in the mirror sighing before walking out. I arrived at the throne room doors in a short time stopping before proceeding.

"I am ready, open the doors please." I said to the guard. They both opened the doors revealing the room to me. I started walking down the way to where I would be inducted as queen. There were people I knew, but also many I didn't.

"Amberlee Skywalker, do you solemnly swear to become queen of Zeldoia and to do everything for the people?" The person inducting me asked. I paused only slightly before replying. I was nervous for this and didn't even know what was going to happen now.

"I solemnly swear to do so."  I said looking forward. My life was changing drastically, I wasn't only going to be responsible for my life but many more.

"Then by the power invested in me by the ancestors of the royal blood I induct thee, Amberlee Skywalker, as queen of Zeldoria.......All hail the queen." The man said. After that a chorus of "all hail the queen" rang simultaneously through the hall. I wanted to be excited but all I felt was unsure.

"Before the celebration, we'll need to do just one thing, if you'll come with us." Sean, my advisor said. I guess he was going to help me until I got on my two feet. I motioned for Obi wan to one with me, I could use him right now.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I blushed, smiled and mouthed thank you.

"We really just need you to sign your vow to be queen, and we also need you to tell us an air to the throne in case something happens to you." He said when we got into the room where the paper was. I signed my name but paused before putting an air.

"Doesn't it have to be royal blood?" I asked.

"Well, usually yes...but in this instance since we are pretty sure you're the only one with royal blood left, it would be preferred that you put a spouse or someone of Zeltron blood." Sean said. I nodded and looked down at the paper. Obi wan and I weren't Spouse's yet, but he's a Jedi....what if the council found out and plus Obi wan isn't Zeltron.

"It's ok, go ahead." He said. I hesitantly wrote his name down and then he signed. It was official now, I was no longer a jedi and that terrified me. 

"We will give you some privacy." Sean said and everyone cleared out.

"What am I going to do with all of this and no you?" I asked Obi wan sniffling. 

"You'll still have me...I will come visit, and you'll come visit and we will make it work." He said wrapping me in a hug. 

"It won't be the same...nothing will be the same from this have to watch over my brother, Obi wan. I sense he will be going down a dark path and we need to lead him back to light." I told him. I would tell him about my vision, or whatever it was, eventually but not now. Now I had work to do.

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