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"Why are we here?" Caleb asked.

"Master Kenobi said that his friend, Dexter, could help us." I said when we walked in. I looked around but realized Obi wan had never told me what he looked like.

"Excuse me, I am looking for Dexter...Obi wan Kenobi sent me." I said to the droid. A besalisk came out from the kitchen and came over.

"That is me...tell me if you are truly a friend of Kenobi's, what is his middle name?" He asked. I laughed slightly.

"Oh, you're serious. It's Cornelius." I said leaning in. Caleb heard me and laughed, Dexter also laughed.

"Is that really what it is? I never actually knew, but if he told you that sort of a middle name then he must really trust you...please sit." He said. We all sat down and Caleb spoke first.

"I'm Caleb, Caleb Dume." He said shaking Dexters hand. There was a jedi master at the temple that was the same species...Master Krell I believe.

"What a gentleman, is he yours?" Dexter asked. My eyes went wide when my mind processed what he had asked.

"Oh, no no...we are jedi. My name is Amberlee Skywalker." I told him.

"Ahhhh, Anakin's sister? my old friend spoke very highly of you that last time I saw him....so what can I help you with?" He said as I turned red. I took out the dart from my pocket and handed it to him.

"I need help identifying where this came from." I said.

"It is from the planet Kamino." He said handing it back to me.

"Are you sure?" Caleb asked. I nudged him and gave him a look.

"It is quite okay...Let him ask and yes young Caleb I am positive. In fact I will write down the coordinates for you." He said taking out a piece of paper and pen then giving it to me.

"Thank you so much, Dexter." I said getting up.

"Any friend of Kenobi is a friend of mine." He said. I smiled as him and Caleb shook hands again. We left going back to the temple.

"Can I come with you to Kashykk?" Caleb asked. I shook my head.

"Sorry, Caleb but I am pretty sure this is all the adventure Master Yoda will allow you for one day." I told him. He pouted for a moment but then went back to his perkiness as we got back to the temple.

"You better get to class, I will see you again soon." I told him. He waved goodbye and we went our separate ways, me to the library and him to training. On my way there I bumped into Obi wan.

"Any luck?" He asked.

"Well I got a planet and coordinates but I have never heard of it before...Kashykk ring a bell?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Well then let's go to the library and figure this out." I said and we walked. When we got there though there was no trace of Kashykk.

"Do you two need any help today?" Jocasta Nu said coming up to us.

"Yes, we seem to be having a problem. I am looking for a planet but it doesn't seem to be in the database." I told her.

"Well if it isn't here then it doesn't exist." She said simply then walked away. I looked to Obi wan and sighed.

"Side note, I have wonderful news!" I told him as we walked out.

"I am a member of the jedi high council!" I told him practically jumping in joy. He smiled.

"That is wonderful, I think you'll be a perfect fit." He said. I thanked him and kept walking. I wished we could hold hands and walk but that isn't the wisest choice.

"It was deleted! That's why it's not there, someone must have deleted it......so why don't we just go to the coordinates." I suggested. He thought about it for a moment then nodded.

"Let's go get our cruisers ready then shall we?" I said an we both walked off to the hanger bay. It only took us 5 minutes to set the course and it seemed as if it would take us a few hours to get there so I put on autopilot and waited.

"Is that it?" Obi wan asked when we got out of hyper speed.

"Looks like a planet to me!" I said sassily.

"It's a planet of water." He stated.

"I can see that, Obi wan" I said. I could practically see him rolling his eyes in my head. We landed and I walked quickly to the door, I wasn't about to get soaked.

"Welcome, I was beginning to think the Jedi weren't coming back. Your army is ready." The person said immediately. Obi wan and I looked to each other in surprise.

"An army?! We weren't informed of an army, we are here investigating an attempted assassination." I told her.

"Isn't Master Sifo Dyas still a member of the Jedi council?" She asked.

"Sifo Dyas has been dead for many years." Obi wan told her. She put her head down slightly.

"Let me show you...." She said and we started walking.

"Sifo Dyas could foresee something grave happening so he made a clone army, from a bounty hunter called Jango Fett. We altered the DNA to make them more.....submissive." She said as we looked through the glass window.

"Can we speak with this bounty hunter?" Obi wan asked her. I was fascinated by how many there were. This must truly mean the darkness is coming.

"I would like to learn more so I can report to the council. Obi wan, you can go meet with the bounty hunter and I'll stay here." I told him. He nodded as the kaminoan led him to where the bounty hunter was and another explained more to me.

"They accelerate with age so that yet will be in prime condition faster wen you need them." She said.

"Are you suggesting that the republic is going to go into war?" I asked her.

"I am not suggesting anything but Master Sido Dyas did have a reason to have us make this army." She said. I looked at her doubtfully and slightly worried.

"I must contact the council immediately, do you have a transmission room?" I asked her.

"Two doors to the left." She sai. I bowed my thanks and went to the room calling the council.

"Masters, I come before you to tell you what Master Kenobi and I have found on Kamino. Apparently, years ago Master Sifo Dyas had the Kaminoians make a clone army for the republic. The one I talked to said that he foresaw a grave future and I believe she is correct." I told them.

"Are you suggesting that we are going to go into war?" Master Koon asked. I sighed slightly.

"Yes...recently I had some darkness come back from my past that I thought was gone and I believe this to be a sign that an even larger darkness is coming. I believe Master Yoda, that you should come and see for yourself because I am now worried that a war is upon us." I said.

"But what if by mobilizing the army, we initiate the war." Master Ti said.

"I am just suggesting that we talk to the Kaminoans and find out what we need to do to have them takeaway ready...we will not strike first because we are peace keepers but we must defend our homes and people in the republic. Nobody wants to go into war, especially not me.....you all know this" I said. I could sense something was off in the force and was eager to go make sure Obi wan was ok.

"Initiate war, we will not. Darkness I sense also....investigate this I will. Update on the assassin, you have?" He asked. The council seemed to agree with his decision so I was thankful for that.

"Well......I know that there is a bounty hunter here whom we assume is our guy. The only strange thing is that his DNA is the DNA used for the clones. Master Kenobi is investigating that right now actually." I told them.

"Come to Kamino I will......keep looking into assassin Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi will.....May the force be with you." He said and the transmission shut off. I was trying to think of where Obi wan would be when I saw him outside fighting the bounty hunter. I sighed and ran to go help him...guess we found our guy.

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