The end of the clone wars

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"Either the jedi council confronts Chancellor Palpatine about this, or I will, myself." I said in the council room.

"I don't believe you will do that." Mace windu said. I was so sick of his negativity.

"Would you like to test the theory." I said with a straight face.

"If you are wrong, you will be charged with treason...are you sure you want to do this?" Plo koon said. Anakin wasn't here or I was sure he would've alerted the chancellor. Ahsoka was here with me and I also had Zeb, flash and a few of the other clones from my old batallion waiting for my order, ready to make a move.


"with you, who will stand?"

"I have people ready to die at my side in order to find out the truth, and liberate the republic." I spoke laughing slightly.

"Do you find something funny, Ms. Skywalker?" Windu asked. I laughed and nodded.

"Actually, I know I was taught to find the humor in things by a very wise person and the humor in this situation is that you all are the ones that made me become a queen! Now, when I ask for one simple favor from you all, you aren't willing to help." I said staring right at him.

"You never had to choose this life for yourself." He replied sitting on the edge of his seat now. I could see Yoda contemplating this situation not ready to intercept.

"No, that's exactly correct...I didn't get a choice because when I asked the council for help finding another way to have Zeldoria become part of the republic, you didn't help. And, when I requested not to be put on the mission to said planet, I was still forced to go. I have went to hell and back, and for what? A corrupted government, and I am starting to think a corrupted council too." I said glaring at him with tension filling the air as I spoke. He was about to reply but I didn't let him speak.

"So, as I stand here asking the people that took me in, cared for me and showed me how to be the best that I can be for help and all they can do is fight with me on the matter and not trust me....who will be the few that stand with me, help me defeat this sith. And, if I am wrong, I will secede from my throne and banish myself to the retched planet of Tattooine." I said. That is how sure I am. Everything lined up, Palpatine was an evil man and I just knew it...especially after my niece told me what she had heard. They were staying at the castle for the time being.

"I will." Obi wan said standing up. Then my old master, and Shaak Ti after them. The others stayed sitting while master Yoda thought, they were looking for guidance.

"Stop you I cannot." He said. I nodded, disappointed.

"Let's get a move on then, shall we. I have some clones and some of my men waiting outside." I said then turned around and started walking quickly away. The others followed as we went and found the others. Ahsoka had two lightsabers, I had learned that she is a grey jedi and had constructed her own lightsabers so that would help us.

"Amberlee, I am not saying this will happen but what happens if you and ob...your heir die today?" Zeb asked whispering in my ear. I looked up to him while we all got into speeders and started towards the chancellors office.

"well...I guess the next one in line would be Isabella." I said. We were in a speeder with Obi wan and Ahsoka, while the others were travelling behind us in two different speeders.

" she even able to be heir to the throne since her mother abandoned it?" He asked.

"No, she is still blood so I think she could still take it if she wants it...but let's just make sure nothing happens." I said right as we were arriving. We all got out and I was at the front of the group ignoring any stares from anybody. When we got to the chancellor's chambers I walked right in.

"Can I help you all?" He asked trying to pretend to be innocent. Anakin was here.

"He is the sith lord." I said strongly.

"Amberlee, have you gone mad? He is not a sith lord." He protested.

"Tell him Palpatine...or should I? I guess I will, he tried to get me sold and killed...that whole entire ball was just a trick to get me out of his way." I said. I could sense his anger rising.

"And it was all so you could just corrupt my brother and take over the whole galaxy...but I now see right through you, so give. up. the act!" I said making him reveal his true self as he lunged at me with his lightsabers. I moved quickly though and blocked him. Palpatine quickly knocked the clones and Zeb out with the force, he was stronger than I anticipated...but then again just as strong as I assumed.

"I should've killed you when I had the chance!" He yelled. I pushed him back as he began fighting all of us.

"Anakin, join me!" He yelled trying to seduce my brother. My brother looked confused, I went to him as I let the others continue fighting without me.

"You cannot be seriously considering this?" I questioned.

"He could save Padme!" He said to me. I shook my head.

"He's lying to corrupt you! You are the one who can save Padme, by being there right by her side and giving her strength." I said back to him. He just shook his head and cowered back confused, he was breaking down...I had to end this. I looked to the others and used the force to push Palpatine into the wall and lunged for the kill but he electrocuted me. I dropped my lightsaber and was in so much pain. The others distracted him but I was still laying there, feeling weak and trying to get up.

"Anakin, help us." I said to my brother. He looked at me and how much pain I was in, then something snapped. He got up and ignited his lightsaber going over and fighting with Palpatine. He was overpowering him and forcing him back then finally ending it with a stab through his chest. He had defeated the sith. I got up slowly and Obi wan came over helping me up.

"It's over." I muttered in disbelief. Anakin looked traumatized. Ahsoka took care of it though, talking to him.

"Now what?" Master Fisto asked. I chuckled, everyone else was coming back into consciousness.

"I...I didn't get this far." I said. He started laughing and soon we were all laughing, but it wasn't a joking laugh, it was a relieved laugh. Laughs of disbelief.

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