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"Masters, I am just confused...I didn't feel Obi wan die through the force." I said to Master Yoda and Windu. We were on our way to the funeral room. 

"clouded, the force the dark side." Yoda said.

"It was weird...when last I saw him, he was acting very strange, unlike himself." I continued. They both looked at each other strangely. 

"There is an explanation for everything, perhaps he saw a vision of his future." Master Windu said. 

"Perhaps...I guess we'll never know, but you two aren't very convincing." I said gravely. My heart was heavy with sadness. Yoda gave Windu a look and then stopped while Mace went ahead of us. 

"know you cared very strongly for Kenobi, I do. let this overwhelm you, you should not...control of your feelings you have, lose that you should not." He said.

 I nodded and we walked in. I went over and stood next to Anakin and looked to him. I could sense the anger flowing through him and knew this was one of the road bumps the future Ahsoka spoke of. Padme, Bail and Satine were also here standing near each other. Satine was crying, making me want to but I wouldn't. There is time for that in private.

"Don't let your anger control you Anakin...I can sense it." I said to him while Master Yoda started to say some things. Anakin just kept looking forward and only released a small amount of his anger. Ahsoka had informed me earlier that he hadn't talked since Obi wan died. 

"I am upset too, but don't let it consume you. Remember that we are going through the same thing, we need each other...don't shut yourself off from the world, from me because I don't think I can handle that right now." I whispered to him so only he could hear. He relaxed a little more but was still tense, and when the fire shot up into the ceiling he took my hand and I gave it a reassuring squeeze.

After the funeral everyone dispersed pretty much. Most of the masters went to train or meditate, but Anakin just stood there not moving. Master Windu, Yoda, Ahsoka, Satine and I were the last ones in there. I was just looking at Anakin, worried, trying to figure out how to get him to talk. 

"I am sorry for your loss young Skywalker...and all of you." Satine said coming over. 

"Thank you, duchess. I am sorry you lost him too." I said to her. 

"If you have a minute, will you come walk with me your highness?" Satine asked. I nodded and looked back to Anakin quickly. I started to walk out and stopped next to Master Yoda.

"If you find out anything at all, call me and I will make sure Anakin doesn't do anything...reckless." I said in a whisper so Anakin didn't hear. Master Yoda nodded and I walked out catching up to Satine. Thankfully I wasn't wearing a dress so I could walk faster to catch up. I was wearing black pants with a black blouse type shirt.

"I talked to the chancellor and finally got him to give up his fight to keep you in the republic." She said. 

"Thank you." I said solemnly. She looked around making sure nobody was around before replying.

"Also, under other circumstances I might've never told you this but from your reaction today I realize that you loved Obi wan...and I know he loved you very much I know he isn't with us anymore but I hope that brings you some sort of comfort." She said. It was a weird thing to say but I knew she had loved him also. 

"Thank you, duchess...for everything." I said. We stopped and shook each others hands then went our separate ways. I stood where I was for a moment wondering what to do now. I want to find that killer and bring him to justice though.

"Amberlee, let's go...we got a tip about where Obi wan's killer is." Anakin said coming up to me. I looked to Ahsoka giving her a questioning look and she just shrugged and we followed him.

 I didn't ask where we were going, I didn't care, I just wanted to find the killer. We went down to the lower districts to a shady looking bar, once we were in there the bartender led us to a room where the supposed killer, Rako Hardeen, was. Anakin barged in with Ahsoka and I after him. 

"Get up!" Anakin shouted shaking him. The man turned around but something seemed off about him.

"Oh, Jedi...I already killed one today, go away." He said. That instantly angered me and before Anakin could proceed I stepped in front of him and flipped the man over pinning him against the wall.

"Listen here, scum! If it was up to me you would be sentenced to death not a jail sentence, and if it was up to my brother here he would kill you but because of the jedi you killed we will not do that so you better be thankful that I don't look the other way! NOW GET MOVING!" I practically yelled, my voice vocalizing more as I kept talking. He looked stunned that I reacted that way but when I released him from against the wall Ahsoka put handcuffs on him and we headed to the jail. I waited in the speeder with Ahsoka, while Anakin brought him to the clones that would take him inside. I still got this odd feeling around him like he was somehow familiar.

"Do you get a feeling that you know him from somewhere?" I asked Ahsoka.

"Who, Rako? No, but maybe you have done research on him for a mission before." She said. I nodded and looked out towards the city and sighed. I would figure it out.....eventually.

"Will Anakin be ok?" Ahsoka asked me. I directed my attention back at her.

"I don't know, maybe he should take a vacation or something to relax?" I suggested. She nodded then smiled immediately.

"Why doesn't he go back with you to Zeldoria to have some time away!" She suggested eagerly. I thought about it for a moment, it wasn't a bad idea...and besides he would need a vacation. I nodded to her and Anakin got back in and started driving back to my apartment.

"Anakin, I think you should come stay with me for a while." I said. He didn't reply, all he did was give me a sideways glance.

"C'mon Anakin, you can't shut down from all of us." I continued.

"I'm not! I will be just fine here, thanks" He said. I sighed and looked back to Ahsoka, she shrugged. We parked outside the apartments.

"If you change your mind, lemme know. I am leaving tomorrow and I am going to ask if Caleb can come, and Ahsoka is invited also. I hope you change your mind." I said then got out and went up to my apartment. 

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