Chapter 42 - The Great Date Pt.3

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Seth and AJ arrived at the cinema, the next phase of their date was beginning. They would be going to see All You Need Is Love in the cinema. So would Dean, Roman, Paige and Nikki.

Those four had been following Seth and AJ throughout the night to see if everything goes as planned. It was going great so far but it could go wrong at anytime.

Seth and AJ got their movie tickets and went into screen four.

As soon as they had gone into the movie, Nikki, Dean, Roman and Paige all ran into the cinema and up to the ticket desk.

Nikki Bella- "Four tickets for All You Need Is Love please!"

Nikki got the tickets and handed a ticket to Paige, Dean and Roman and they went into screen four. They sat up the back corner so that they could see Seth and AJ, who were at the front left, but Seth and AJ couldn't see them.

Roman Reigns- "Oh by the way I'm probably going to go to sleep so wake me up when the movie is done."

The movie started and Seth put his arm around AJ. Nikki and Paige looked at them and got slightly emotional.

Nikki Bella- "Why can't I have that?"

Paige Bevis- "I wish I had a relationship like that."

Dean Ambrose- "I wish I had a beer."

The movie went on and Nikki and Paige kept looking at AJ and Seth throughout the whole thing.

Roman and Dean sat with their head leaning on their hand.

Dean Ambrose(thought)- "This is some of the dumbest crap I've ever watched in my life, and I watched ECW in 2009."

Roman Reigns(thought)- "I hope that Jack ends up with Jill instead of Rob. Jack treats her so much better, Rob just throws money at her."

The movie got to the closing moments, Jack and Rob were stood at the top of a mountain. Rob pointed a gun at Jack.


Rob- "I'm sorry it has come to this Jack but you must die now."

Rob shot Jack and Jack fell off the mountain to his death.

<back to reality>

Roman Reigns- "THAT IS BULLSHIT!"

Dean pulled Reigns onto the floor as everyone in the theatre looked at where the sound came from, Paige and Nikki got on the floor too.

Nikki Bella- "Roman, you almost blew our cover."

Roman Reigns- "I think we should leave now and head back home before Seth and AJ get back from their walk."

Nikki Bella- "Good idea, let's go."

Nikki, Roman, Paige and Dean ran out of the cinema and made the trip back to the apartments.

Meanwhile, back at the cinema the movie finished up and Seth and AJ walked out holding hands.

AJ Lee- "I really enjoyed tonight. It was awesome."

Seth Rollins- "I really enjoyed it too, we should do it more often. Maybe go once every two weeks?"

AJ Lee- "That is a great idea."

AJ and Seth walked holding hands through the park, the water looked as if it was lit by the moonlight. The stars in the sky gleamed as if they were smiling down on AJ and Seth. They talked and laughed as they kept on walking.

Eventually they made it back to the apartments. Seth walked AJ to her door, kissed her and walked to his own. He heard noise coming from Roman's room. He opened the door to see Dean, Roman, Nikki and Paige throwing a tennis ball around.

Seth Rollins- "Hey guys."

Paige Bevis- "Hey Seth, how did the date go?"

Seth Rollins- "It was amazing, we are doing it more often from now on."

Nikki Bella- "Well that is a sure fire sign that it went well."

Seth Rollins- "So what did you guys do when we were gone?"

Roman Reigns- "Not much, just threw the ball around and played would you rather."

Seth Rollins- "That actually sounds like fun, good to see you guys had fun too. I'm going to bed, good night."

Seth shut the door and went to his room to sleep.

Back in Roman's room they were still throwing around the tennis ball.

Roman Reigns- "If they are doing this more often we are not following them every time."

Nikki Bella- "Maybe just once every couple of months."

Dean Ambrose- "Sure why not? Anyway we have training tomorrow so we should probably head."

Roman Reigns- "It's not like you to end a night like this by just going to bed."

Dean Ambrose- "When the dream of becoming a WWE Superstar is on the line I'm a completely different person."

Roman Reigns- "Good night guys."

Dean Ambrose- "Good night buddy."

Dean, Nikki and Paige left Roman's room and went to bed so that they would be ready for the next day of training.

Authors Note: That date went very well, Seth should be proud. Are you guys enjoying the story so far? If so then tell me what you like and if not tell me how I can make it better. Thanks for reading though, the book is at around 4.5k reads which is insane.

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