Chapter 72 - Forget About Her Pt.1

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Saturday -7/9/17- It was a Saturday meaning that the rookies had the day off from training. Dean was still trying to convince Seth to come out to a club and find a girl to replace AJ. They were in Seth's room, twenty minutes into a deep conversation about life.

Seth Rollins- "Dean love exists ok and what me and AJ have is love."

Dean Ambrose- "You are just falling for the illusion and now you believe in love you are stuck in that hole. Get out of it. Find someone new and move on. That's what you need to do. Come with me tonight out to a club and we will find you someone new to replace AJ."

Seth Rollins- "I'm not going I'm waiting until AJ gets back and then we will get back together and that is how things are going to go."

Dean Ambrose- "No, you are coming out tonight and that's how things are going to go. I'll phone AJ right now and tell her you moved on anyway so you might as well actually move on."

Seth Rollins- "I swear to god Dean if you do that I will pistol whip you."

Dean got out his phone.

Dean Ambrose- "It's ringing."

Seth Rollins- "Hang up you ass!"

Seth jumped on his bed and that sprung him into Dean who hit Seth's cupboard and the doors fell off it.

Dean had accidentally put the phone on speaker.


AJ Lee- "Hello, sorry I can't take your call at the moment I'm pretty busy but I will try to call you ASAP, lea-"

Muffled Voice- "What are you doing?"

AJ Lee- "I'm making a message for when I don't answer my phone."

Muffled voice- "That's adorable, love you!"

AJ Lee- "Love you too. Now I need to start again. I'll need to delete this one gosh dang it."

-Voicemail ends-

Seth got up and punched the side of his cupboard over and over. Dean grabbed his hands.

Dean Ambrose- "Dude you are just going to hurt your hands calm down. I told you love didn't exist and you didn't believe me."

Seth Rollins- "I can't believe she did that to me. I thought she would come back for me. Dean get your shoes, we are going out tonight."

Dean Ambrose- "Oh fuck yeah. Should we grab Roman?"

Seth Rollins- "Why not I don't care."

Dean and Seth went to Roman's room to get him onboard with going out and away they went.

Seth was so angry.

Authors Note: You've got to feel sympathy for Seth there. That is so rough on him. Comment what you think will happen next?

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