Chapter 50 - Royal Rumble Weekend Pt.7

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Sunday -28/1/17- It was the day of the Royal Rumble PPV and the rookies would be sitting in the Gorilla Position along with Paul Levesque and Vince McMahon to see the work that they do during a PPV. They were all really excited for the PPV as they would be talking to some big WWE Superstars.

They didn't need to get up until 12pm so Dean, Paige and Roman all slept in. Nikki, AJ and Seth all got up and went to the hotel gym.

They had a good workout and once it was done they made their way back to their rooms. They decided to take the stairs but heard shouting on their way up.

Dean Ambrose- "Ok so Roman you are two ahead if I make it into the orange zone I win."

Roman Reigns- "Yeah, please fall."

Seth, Nikki and AJ started running to see what was going on.

They saw Dean with a computer chair running along the corridor towards them. Jumping on the chair and leaping from it as far as he could head first. Dean landed with a loud thud but didn't get to the orange zone.

Nikki Bella- "What the hell are you guys playing at?"

Paige Bevis- "Human shuffleboard."

Roman Reigns- "So you grab a chair and run with it up to a designated line, get on the chair and jump off it while it's moving and the further you go the more points you get, it's divided into one metre zones so the first zone is black zone and that's a negative five, brown is negative two, red is negative one, white is zero points, yellow is one point, orange is three points, green is five points, silver is seven points and gold wins you the game."

Seth Rollins- "Get this crap cleaned up now. People are going to be pissed off that you guys are so loud."

The human shuffleboard was put away and Roman was declared the winner.

The rookies got in a car and went to the Amway Centre, which was hosting the Royal Rumble PPV.

They met with Paul Levesque who told them they could walk about the arena. Dean and Seth went out to the ringside area to watch the ring get set up. The others went to catering.

Seth Rollins- "This experience is just mind blowing, to think that near twenty-thousand people are going to fill this arena and be screaming all night long."

Dean Ambrose- "And one day they will be screaming for us, either willing us on as faces or hoping we fail as heels."

Seth Rollins- "Yeah, I can't wait until we start wrestling on NXT."

They took hours to take it all in.

It was now one hour before the show and the rookies were in the Gorilla position with Paul and Vince.

Paul Levesque- "Vince I'm sure you've heard of all of these six."

Vince McMahon- "Indeed I have, it's great to see you all here today. I might need you guys to run a couple errands for me though, maybe giving things to Superstars and Divas or delivering messages to them. I hope you guys don't mind doing that."

The rookies were fine with that.

They sat talking to Vince and Paul until the show was ready to begin.

Vince McMahon- "Ambrose, go get Harper and Bray and tell them they are up next. Rollins go get Cody and Goldust."

Dean and Seth went their separate ways to find the Superstars Vince told him to.

Dean was looking around but couldn't find Harper or Wyatt.

Luke Harper- "You lost kid?"

Dean turned around to see the big beard of Luke Harper.

Dean Ambrose- "I was looking for you and Bray. Vince said you guys were up."

Luke Harper- "Ok I'll grab Bray and be there in two minutes. What's your name kid?"

Dean Ambrose- "Dean Ambrose."

Luke smiled.

Luke Harper- "Nice to meet you Dean."

Luke Harper walked away and left Dean stood.

Dean Ambrose(thought)- "He doesn't smell like shit and is actually really nice. What the hell?"

Dean got back to Gorilla Position and joined the others. Harper gave him a fist bump before he went out to the ring.

The rookies spent the whole night watching the show and talking. During the Royal Rumble, The Undertaker was the surprise number 30 entrant. He was in the ring but got a severe blow to the head. He was injured. The word reached Vince that Undertaker was injured. The match played out as it would of but Undertaker got eliminated early. He was taken to the back where he collapsed. Vince threw down his headset and shouted for help.


Roman Reigns tried to go over and help but Seth and Paul pulled him back.

Doctors weren't coming.


Undertaker was still on the floor not moving.

Paul Levesque- "You guys run and try to find a doctor."

He was talking the the rookies. They all jumped up on their feet and started running for help.

Roman and Nikki went to get a phone to call an ambulance and the rest tried to find a doctor in and/or around the building.

Roman and Nikki got back to Vince and Paul.

Nikki Bella- "An ambulance is on its way."

The PPV was almost over.

Undertaker started coughing and spluttering and started vomiting profusely all over the floor.

The rookies watched hoping the ambulance would arrive. Finally it did and Undertaker was put in the back of it and taken away.

The PPV finished, Vince sat with his head in his hands.

Seth grabbed him and stood him on his feet.

Seth Rollins- "You are Vince McMahon, you don't show emotion."

The rookies all walked away.

The weekend was over and they'd be back to reality tomorrow.

Authors Note: Well that was a long Chapter I hope you guys liked it. I am excited to keep on writing this book. 50 Chapters in. This book will probably last around 100 Chapters.

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