Chapter 5

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Zach goes to press the button to floor five. We start to go up the elevator. It plays awkward elevator music. I think this would be a good place to have our first kiss, in a elevator. No. Wait. He has to make the first move. I look over at him. He is playing with his shirt sleeve. What if he doesn't like me. Oh, but what if he does. *Sigh*.

We arrive at our floor and the door slides open. We walk out to a very nice hallway. With grayish tan walls and plant pots across the walls. We follow the doors until we get to door nine... One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine! Zack takes the key an opens the door. It has two queen sized beds with white sheeting, a tv, a mini fridge. A desk, a dresser, man! How much fancier could this get? I look over to the big window facing the city. We are pretty high up. I look down at the cars and the people. Everyone is wearing a face mask. It is sad how the world has become. I remember the days before the disease. Good times.

Me and Zach plop our bookbag a on the floor. It is already one in the morning. "We should go to bed." I say. "Yeah, I'm beat!" Zach says. I go into the bathroom and change into a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt. I was never big on the pajama thing. They're itchy. I walk out of the bathroom and I see Zach is already changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt too. I suddenly wish I shaved my legs better. Good thing it was pretty dark in that room now. I get under the covers of my bed. "Well, goodnight." He says. "Goodnight." I reply.

    I just can't fall asleep. I keep thinking of Zach. How we almost kissed on that bus. Until that crazy bus driver lady ruined it. I keep thinking about how he held me in his arms, how close we were. I finally drift to sleep...


    I wake up. The morning sun from the window shines bright in my eyes. I turn over to look at Zack. He is facing me, but he is sleeping. I can't help but to stare at him. *sigh*. My face gets hot. I should stop staring at him before he...

    Zack moans and moves to his other side. I quickly change sides and pretend I'm sleeping. He gets up. "Hey, you awake?" I force a yawn. "Ugg, I am now." I lie, pretending to just wake up. "Sorry." He says."It's ok." I say. Then I get up. My head feels a little better, at least. I go over and get a shirt, jeans, and sweatshirt out of my bag, the same plain style. I go into the bathroom and change again. When I'm finished, I creak the door to see if Zach is finished changing. He is finished changing, sitting on his bed, waiting for me. I check my hair in the mirror. Since when have I cared about my hair? Well, it sure wasn't hot, but it'll do.
I walk out of the bathroom. "So I was thinking we would get breakfast in one of the little cafes in the hotel and then we can get on another bus." I suggested. "Ok." Zach agreed.


    Zach and I walked into a donut shop. "What can I get for you?" The guy at the counter asks. I ask for a chocolate donut with sprinkles, and Zach asks for a glazed donut. "That'll be four ninety-nine." He says. Zach uses some of his twenty dollars to pay. "Hey, thanks for paying." I say as I take a bite of my donut. "Hey, your the one with all of the money." Zach says. "But your welcome." "How plain." I joke, eyeing Zach eating his plain glazed donut. "Hey don't judge." He laughs, taking another bite. When we finish our donuts, we go outside and wait at the bus stop for a bus to come. Five minutes later, a bus finally comes. We walk on the bus. "Were are you heading?" The bus driver asks. "Washington." I say. Did I mention we have to travel all the way to the other side of America?

    The bus driver laughs. "Ha, you really think I'm gonna drive you all across the country?" He says. "Get off of my bus you crazy kids." We walk off the bus and he drives away. "Guess the other lady was the only one who was offering to drive us across th country." I say. "Huh, yeah, too bad she was a crazy maniac." Zach says. "Yeah." I agree. Well, what do we do now?" I ask. I wonder if we will ever get to Washington. If we don't get to Washington, I would of failed my mom and dad. I think. My eyes start to water. "There is only one way." Zach interrupts me thoughts. "We have to take a plane."

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