Chapter 7

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    Zach and I arrive at the entrance of the airport. We walk inside. It is gigantic. There are people everywhere. "Hey, let's not get sidetracked, we have to get to the plane, it's leaving in..." Zach looks at his watch." Twenty minutes." "TWENTY MINUTES!?!? We won't have enough time!" I yell. "That's why we have to hurry!" Zach says. "Come on!"

    Zach grabs my hand and we start running through the crowd of people. "We are almost to the machine thingy that makes sure you aren't sneaking in drugs or something!" Says Zach. "Nice description." I say. "Hey!" A police lady says. I stop in my tracks. Sweat pours down my face. We got caught!

"Hey umm, could you take over for me? I have to take a lunch break." She says. Oh thank goodness. She buys that we are police officers. "Uhh... Ok." My voice shakes. She leaves. "What do we do?" I ask Zach. "We don't know how to x-ray people on that machine thingy that makes sure you aren't sneaking in drugs or something!" Zach just shrugs in response. I see a long line of people waiting. "Uhhhh... Next!" I say. A lady walks up. "Uhhhh... Please step in the machine thingy." I say. She gives me a look. A, why did they even hire you are you new? Look. I expected that. She walks through and it beeps once. What does that mean? I think. I look at the screen. All of the stuff she is holding looks normal. I guess that means it is ok. "You may proceed." I say as professional as possible. She continues walking. I think about leaving until the next person comes out. It is a guy. He steps in the thing and it starts beeping. Like, loud. And it does much more than one beep. People stop. Police officers start running over. "Hey!" They yell. The guy starts off running. I think they expect Zach or I to do something because we are close to him. Zach seems to get the idea because he jumps over onto the guy and knocks him to the ground the guy drops his bag and a metal thing falls out. "A bomb!" One of the police guys say. The guy is stronger than Zach and knocks him on the metal tray you put your stuff on to go through the x-ray. Zach falls to the ground. "Zach!" I yell. The other police officers start running towards the guy and some stay and tell the panicking people to calm down. "Zach!" I say again as I pick up his head. He is unconscious. He has to wake up soon before one of the police help him and we can't go on the plane.

Zach starts to stir, he is waking up. "Uhhhhh..." He says. He opens his eyes. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Uhh, yeah, my head hurts though." He says. "Come on!" I say. I help Zach up and we run towards the boarding section. We don't have much time before the plane for Washington takes off. We start running. I see as we run past the guy. Police officers have caught him and are holding him down. They must have him under control so everything probably is ok now. I now notice that he has the bloodshot eyes and pale skin. He must have the disease. My mother said the disease makes you do crazy things. Things that would make you want to blow up a whole airport. Maybe he did it out of jealously. Jealous that a lot of the healthy people are here. And he wanted to destroy them all out of jealousy.

Zach and I are very close to the waiting area for the plane and then a message came on the loud speaker. Oh no. "As you could see a man just broke in here with a bomb. But do not panic, we caught him. The planes can still go." Phew! I thought they were gonna cancel the planes. A police guy at the entrance told the people to come into the plane. Zach and I started pretending to be helping them inside. After all of the people get inside, we got changed into our regular clothes in the plane's bathroom. It felt good to put my old comfy clothes back on. People would think we already paid for our ticket and we were on now. We took a seat next to each other. We did it. We are on the plane.

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