Chapter 21

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I walk into work the next morning. I look around. Janine was right, she isn't here. I sighed because I knew that I had to be alone at work today. Sure, I was antisocial, but that doesn't mean I want to be alone all the time. I need some kind of attention.

I see Boss walking out from the back of the room. That's weird. But then he starts walking towards me. Oh no.

"Hey, Alex."

"Yes, Sir."

"I just want to let you know that we are getting a new coworker. As you can see, you and Janine have been having to work harder lately."


"Alright, he should be here soon. Get back to work." Boss starts to walk away. "You'll like him." He smirks before walking into his office.

Well, that last part was weird.

I start to get back to work, making people's coffees, until I see someone walk in the coffee shop. He is wearing a uniform, so he must be the new guy.

He walks over to me.

"Hi." He sticks out his hand to shake it. "I'm Alex."

I hesitate for a moment and stick out my hand. "My name is Alex too..."

"Wow! That's weird." Alex says. We both laugh.

"Well, this will be confusing."

"It sure will."

We stand in awkward silence.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Alex."

"You too."

Alex walks away and starts cleaning off a table that someone was just sitting at. As I serve someone a hot chocolate, I think about Alex. And I think about me, Alex.

And then I think of something. I think of a different name for me.

I walk up to Alex.

"Hey, what's up?" He asks.

"I came up with a new name for me."

"You don't have to change your name for me!"

"No, I like it better."

"Well, what is it?" Alex asks eagerly.



After my shift, I decide to go shopping. Boss told us today that we didn't have to wear our uniforms to work anymore, as long as we wore our name tags. I don't know why he would just change his mind so quickly, but it's not like I'm complaining.

The only problem is that I need some new outfits.

I walk into the mall and settle for a nice clothes store. I look through all different racks, all different clothes, and then Janine calls me.


"Heyheyhey Alex! What's..."


"What?" Janine sounds confused.

"I changed my name to Alexia."


"You will find out tomorrow."

"I'm scared to come to work tomorrow now."

I laugh.

"What are you doing?" She asks.


"Ooooooooo! Shopping!"

A New World #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now