Chapter 28

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Tell Me

Tell me if you ever cared
If a single thought
For me was spared

Tell me when you lie in bed
Do you think of something
I once said

Tell me if you hurt at all
When someone says
My name with yours

It may have been so long ago
But I would give
The world to know

~Lang Leav

Zach's Pov
I would give anything to see my love again.

I would do anything to see her face.

I would give anything to hold my love in my arms.

I would do anything to kiss her one more time.

That's why I had to kidnap her.


I arrive at the place I was holding Alex and unlock the door. I see her sleeping on the floor. She looked hurt.

I walked over to her and ran my fingers through her long, soft hair. It felt good to touch her again.

Alex's eyes quickly fluttered open, and she jerked up. "Get off me you freak!" She screamed as she backed into the corner.

"I'm sorry, I just..." I hesitate.

"You just what!?"

"I just love you too much to let you go."

"Well you already lost me, because I let go for you."

Alex got off the floor and walked to the other wall, avoiding me as much as possible.

"Please, Alex..."

"It's ALEXIA!" Alex screams at me.

"It's Alex, and you know that!" I start to lose my patience. "Don't let that other boy change that."

"I love him, and he loves me! Unlike you!"

I pause, hurt from her words. "Alex, I screwed up, I made a mistake leaving you."


"And I want forgiveness for my mistake."

"And why should I forgive you?"

"Because I love you."

Alex is silent for a moment. "That may be true, Zach, but I don't. I love someone else, someone who wouldn't abandon me. Unlike you."

"I promise to never abandon you agai..."

"And even if I were to forgive you for abandoning me, I wouldn't love you again. And I definitely wouldn't love you after you kidnapped me!"

We both stay silent for a long moment, until I speak up.

"I'm sorry Alex, I truly am."

"Don't, just, don't." Alex turns around and hides her face, I see that she is crying.

I reach out to touch her, but she backs against the wall. I see fear in her eyes.

That fear. That fear is what I must use to make her love me again.

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