Chapter 29

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Alex's Pov:

We have been searching for Alexia for days. It has been one week and two days, to be exact. And everyone knows it's Zach. I swear as soon as I find that guy I'm going to pound him into the ground.

I miss Alexia, I really do. I feel bad for her, because I mean, she saved the world! And where did that get her? She got in an accident, her freakin boyfriend ditched her cause she was in the hospital, she spent years there, and she got out, only to have the worst life ever.

But we are going to find Alexia, the police might stop, her best friend may stop, but I never will.


I woke up the next morning, ready for today's search. I stuffed some pop tarts in my mouth, not bothering to heat them. I then grabbed my coat and ran out my apartment building.

The search party looked in every empty alley, every abandoned store, even the small amount of empty houses. There are not many houses in New York, most are apartments. We found nothing, no Zach, no Alexia, no clues, no nothing.

I feel as if I am going to give up any minute. It's useless. I almost cry when I hear a police officer yell something.

"I found something!"

I start hyperventilating. "What?! What?! What is it???!!!"

"I think it's her phone!"

An officer hacks into her phone, and then starts to scroll through it. There are photos of just black, and of Alexia, and of alleyways.

"This must've been when she was kidnapped!" I yell. "Now you can find her!"

"We can't just find her."


"There isn't very much evidence in these pictures, but we know certain alleyways she has been in, so we can check them out."

"Well then let's go!" I run ahead to every alley, not stopping.


Alexia's Pov:

I have been looking for something, anything, in the room I could use to escape. Zach may be crazy, but he's not stupid. He made sure to find a place no one would ever look.

I have become desperate, for it has been a month. Zach hardly fed me, he wanted to keep me alive, but too weak to try to escape. And the boredom nagged at my all day long. Of course, that's probably the last thing you would think about if you get kidnapped, boredom, but I've been here so long it doesn't scare me anymore.

Zach walks in the room, carrying a long metal pole. I freeze in my position.

"Hello my muffin." He greets me.

I do not reply.

"Hello my muffin." Zach says more forcefully, raising his metal pole.

"Hello." I mutter out.

Zach gets on the floor, and turns to hug me. I crawl into the corner.

"Come give me a hug."


"I said to come give me a hug, Alex."

"It's Alexia!"

Zach raises his pole and whacks me on my back. I scream in pain.

"Give me a HUG."

I crawl up and awkwardly hug him, and quickly pull away.

"Now kiss me."

"I back against the wall."

"Do you want to disobey me again, Alex?"

I decide to not lose my dignity. He could hit me with that pole all he wanted to, I would never kiss him again.

"I would never kiss you again, Zach."

He raises the pole and hits my arm. I bite my lip to try to hold in my cries, and my lip starts bleeding. He hits me again on the back, and then on my leg. I start to cry, and roll myself into a ball so he cannot hit my stomach or face.


Later that night, he finally gives up and leaves the room. I take a deep breath in and out, trying to calm myself. I look down at my wounds, and cringe. All my hopes that I was going to be found, were now crushed.

Zach came in the room, with food. My stomach grumbled.

"If you want the food, you have to kiss me." He demands.

I figure if I quickly kiss him on the cheek, I'll get food. And maybe I'll have enough energy to fight back.

I get up and place my lips on Zach's cheek, and quickly pull them off. I feel dirty, now that I have kissed him.

"Well, I meant on the lips, but since I'm feeling nice, I'll give you the food." Zach places the plate on the ground, and waits on my like I am supposed to say something.

"I... I... Thank you." I say quietly.

Zach does an evil grin and walks out.

Authors note:

Hey guys! I am so so so happy! I cannot believe I got 1k views! I never thought I would get nearly that much! I want to thank you for continuing to read, comment, and vote. Enough so 1k people to read my book! That's crazy! Thank you again, keep reading, commenting, and voting.

Peace ✌🏼️

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