Chapter 10

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    Zach and I are heading to the White House. We don't know how we are going to get there, but we will find a way. We can do it together. We have each other.

    When we arrive there are guards everywhere holding guns.

    "How are we going to get past?" I ask.

    "We can't get past them without being noticed. It's just impossible." Zach says. "So I have a different idea." He says.

    He walks up to the front of the gate. There is a speaker there. Zach presses the button on the gate near the speaker. The guards eye him, like he is going to break through any minute.

    "Hello, this is the president's secretary. What do you need and why should I open the gate for you?" The secretary lady says.

    "Uhh... Is Malena and Jonathan expecting friends?" Zach asks

    I see what he is doing. Malena and Jonathan are the presidents kids. The secretary will think we are their "friends" coming over for a "play date".

    "Yes actually! They are expecting friends. You have come a little early though."

    "Uhh... Yeah. We came here early because we thought there would be traffic but there didn't end up being traffic so... Yeah we got here early." Zach said nervously.

    The gates slowly opened. The secretary believed us! She thought we were the president's kid's friends! This may work out after all. We walk across the stone walkway. A walk way I thought, actually, knew I would never walk on. Well, I was wrong. We walk up the giant porch and stop at the door. The giant door opens. We walk inside the door. A butler is there.

"Hello Emily, Bobby, may I escort you to the presidents children's rooms?" The butler says.

Emily? Bobby? That must be their friends names. But wait, wouldn't he notice us if he knew their names? The president must have so many butlers that their is a different one every time, and they only hear their names.

Zach and I just play along with it as the butler takes us up grand stairs, with fancy carpeting. We arrive at a long hallway at the top. Then to two doors.

"Here are Malena and Jonathan's rooms. Ring the bell if you need anything." The butler says, motioning to a bell over each door. Then he walks away.

"I guess this is where we split up." Zach says.

"Yeah." I say

"Text me if you need me." Zach says, motioning to his phone in his back pocket.

"Ok." I say.

That's when I walk into the girl names Malena's room. I look around the room. It is black. Lots of black. There are posters of punk rock singers on the walls. Her bed is decorated with a black bedspread and black pillows. I see a girl that looks about my age, but shorter, with long black strait hair wearing black sitting on a black bean bag chair playing a black electric guitar. She must be into fairy princesses. I think. Wow! How would I of guessed!?

"What are you doing in my room?" Malena asks. "Who are you?"

"My name is Alex, you must be very confused, I..."

"You are not Emily! I will call security immediately!" Malena says.

"No wait!" I beg. "You need to listen to me! Please."

Malena puts her guitar down. She sits on her bed and pats the space next to her, motioning for me to sit down. I sit down next to her and start talking.

"Listen, have you heard about the disease?" I ask

"The disease? Oh yeah, definitely." Malena says.

"Do you know who started the disease?" I ask

"Uhh... No one started the disease. It's just a natural disaster. She says.

Oh no. She doesn't know!?

"Your dad, is the one, who made the disease." I say. Malena looks like she doesn't believe me. "Before my mom died, she gave me a map, and she said the cure was in that location. Me and my boyfriend Zach traveled from the other side of America to get here, and on the back was a message, the president is the one who made the disease, and he made it spread around the whole globe. He has the cure." I say.

"You're kidding." Malena says.

"No, I'm not kidding. Please believe me." I say.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I believe you Alex." She says. I have a way you can get to my dad. But, how did you get in here?" She asks.

"I pretended I was your friend, Emily, and Zach was your brothers friend. What a coincidence that we came the day you had a play date scheduled." I say.

"Wow. But play date? Really?" Malena and I laugh. "I'm like, sixteen!" She says.

"I'm sixteen too!" I say.

"Hey, maybe me and you could be... Friends, after this whole disease thing is over, you know, if you can get the cure from my dad." Malena says.

"Yeah, maybe." I say

I pull out my phone and text Zach, we got a plan. Ten seconds later, he texts me back, ok meet me in the hallway. Malena and I walk out into the hallway. Zach and another boy is already there. I introduce Zach to Malena and Zach introduces Jonathan to me. Malena explains everything to Jonathan.

    "What? Since when? Why didn't dad tell us?" He asks Malena.

    "I don't know, I guess he doesn't trust us." Malena replies.

    "What's your plan Malena?" I ask.

    "Follow me." She says.

~Authors note~
I'm really excited to be writing this book! Do you think Alex and the "crew" are going to defeat the president and get the cure? Again, thanks for reading. I have over 100 readers now! I'm so happy! Keep reading and comment what you think. Anyway, more questions!

What do you think of Malena and Jonathan?

How do you think they should defeat the president?

Well, I'll update soon!
Peace! ✌🏼️

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