Chapter 15

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    I awake to the smell of disinfectant, wondering why. I feel around for Zach, but he is not here.


I get up and look around. The room is a mess, there is blankets and pillows on the floor, and everything fragile in the room is broken. I get up to start to run out of the room, but the door locked. I start banging on it, trying to get it open.

I need to think.


I look out the key hole and see "do not cross" police tape all over my door.


"Zach!" I yell. "Zach!"

No response. What is going on. Tears start streaming down my face, for I do not know what to do. Why would he leave me? What is happening?


I have been in this room for hours, and nothing has happened. I can't stay here forever! I'll starve to death!

I run up to the door and bang into it. A sharp pain goes up my back. I do it again. And again. It still doesn't budge, even though I have bruises all across my side.

This won't work. I need to think.

I search in the closet, trying to find something that would work as a crowbar. Nothing.

I need to think.

I grab the pole that is attached to the wall, the one that hods up hangers for clothes. And I pull.

I pull with everything that I got.

It doesn't come off.

"Dang it!" I mutter under my breath.

I need to think.

I search the bathroom for some bobby pins. I am not a bobby pin user, but there must be some in here.

I dig in all the closets and cupboards, searching for the pins.

Wait! What is this!

I find a bag at the bottom of the pile, that is filled with bobby pins.


I open the bag, pulling out several bobby pins. I stuff the extra ones in my pocket for future use.

My hand trembles as I insert the pin into the door knob. I move it around, trying to get it to open.

A couple of minutes later, the door opens. I did it!

I walk out into the abandoned hallway, filled with more broken things, filled with more chaos.

I walk down to the elevator, pressing the button. It doesn't work. Aggravated, I run down the stairs.

I am running to fast, not paying attention where I'm going, that I slip on a puddle of, something. I start falling down the stairs. I was near the top, so I have a long fall.

Oh no.

Before I can think anything, I'm already on the ground.


I awake to a pounding head. Oh no! How long was I out?

I try to get up, my muscles sore from falling down, and banging on the door.

It's hard, but I manage.


I need to find Zach, I need to.

I start to run towards the door, trying to escape this abandoned building.

~Authors Note~
Ok, so I know it took me FOREVER to add a chapter. I know you are mad, I know.

But please don't hate on me.

I am working on another book I will be publishing once I am finished it, or have made a LOT of chapters. Sometimes that seems better because I can give my readers a little something before they have to wait for another chapter.

I know it stinks.

Like how I did that to you.

I'm really sorry.

Please, though. Give me ideas! I'll see you guys later, thanks for reading.

Peace! ✌🏼️

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