Chapter 2

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    I walked over to my first class, math. I've always hated math. I wasn't good at it either. Proof is my wonderful D I got on my last report card for that subject. My mom said I had to get my grade up. I thought there was no point. "Aren't we all gonna die anyway?" I say. "Don't you talk like that!" My mother snaps.

    Why do we have to go to school? Everyone is going to die. I know that for a fact. My best friend, who I know is sick, is going to die, my parents are going to die, my sister is going to die, I'm going to die. I'm... Going to die. The thought scares me. I don't want to die. So what is the point of school? We have no future. We all are gonna die soon. I don't know when, but eventually. No one is going to come up with a cure. My mother tells me to be more positive, but she probably just doesn't want me to jinx it more bad then it already is.

    What has become of the world?


    It has been ten minutes since announcements and the math teacher still hasn't started talking. All I will call her is the teacher because I can't even remember her name, not any of the teachers. I don't even know the students names either. I'm not good at memorizing names.I look over to her. That same expression. Zombie expression. She must be sick too. I need to get out of here, I'm not sick yet, but these people are going to make me!

    I get out of my seat and start torwards the door. One kid that isn't sick speaks up. "Hey where are you going?" He asked. "I'm getting out of this sick place!" I responded. "Well, I'm coming with you then, because obviously none of these people are alive enough to notice.

    They are alive but not alive.

    The boy and I run out of the building. "Almost there!" I cheered. The door was only a dozen feet away, and then a teacher that isn't sick stops us. "And where do you think you are going?" She inquired. The boy picked up his feet and kicks the teacher in the face. She yells and falls to the ground. Blood rushes out of her nose.

    "Come on!" The boy says as he grabs my arm. We run out of the school building. "Let's go to my house." I suggest. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind me coming home anyway since everyone there are mindless zombies. So, not like we're learning anything.


    When we finally get to my house I walk inside. I don't see anyone. "Mom? Dad?"

    "Alex what are you doing here?" My mom asked. I heard her call from her bedroom. I walked over to her bedroom and saw her lying on her bed. She was very sick. She must've caught the disease. "Mom, everyone at my school is sick that's why I came home." I said. "I'm going to die soon and I don't want you to catch the disease." My mother said. "Your father already is dead. But before he died, he gave me a paper he found that had the location of where the cure is. You must find it." He words where starting to fade. Their where tears falling from my eyes. "I'm counting on you... I love you Alex." Where her last words. Her eyes closed and she stopped moving. She was dead.

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