Soccer Tournament

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It was 9AM in the morning, my friends and I were in the locker room changing to our clothes, but despite our stuff going on, we weren't prepared. Instead, my friend Debbie had to use the restroom in order to make sure all of us had taken the waste out of our body. "You know what we could do because we would able to figure out where we at because the field that we are going is going to be the major role out of the sportsmanship." "Oh quit your worry Debbie," Janet huffed. "At least all of us are ready to go to the soccer tournament against Scotland," 

At first, I thought Janet was going to worry that all of us are going to lose against Scotland because I noticed the tournament was like a hardcore tour. Although, I didn't want Janet to overwhelm herself to this test because we wanted to do some sports. It's not about winning or losing, it's about to show off our stuff that we were the masterpiece of the soccer tournament. "What are we doing now?" Bessie wondered. "Well I don't know," She replied. "Otherwise you would eat some huge bowls of beans and you could've been farting." "What are you talking about?" Bonnie scoffed but started to giggle. "Think about farts later or else it will stank the entire seats in the bus right now." "Oh shut it!" I goofed off. "Save that for later," "Sorry Ica," I noticed Bonnie looked surprised because I knew . The bus stopped by at the arena close to the other one when all of us had attended the olympics since 2012 in London. "Okay so it goes," I paused for a moment as we headed inside the arena.

1st quarter

Debbie: 4 pts.

Janet: 5 pts.

Ica: 9 pts.

Bessie: 6 pts

Bonnie: 3 pts.

Kayla: 7 pts.

34 pts. 

The second quarter began as we back ourselves up, the coach blew his whistle, but Kayla got a scratch on her knee so they have to give us the 50 second timeout. "Kayla!" I shouted as she was staggering on the ground. "Kayla! Kayla!" The crowds began to scream and cry even the kids. While the 50 second timeout is still happening. "Dang! that really burned my footing," I saw Kayla's knee bleeding, although she didn't seem to be badly hurt. Debbie and I decided to let her rest in the locker room as Tom Hiddleston went in to escort her. "When did it happen?" Loki asked me. "Mama she slipped," "Oh no sorry to hear that," he replied. "I'll take care of her, you guys be careful." "We will Mama," I replied as the game began. While Kayla is still in the locker room due to injuries, Tom and Loki are still in the locker room to take care of her.

2nd quarter.

Debbie: 7 pts.

Janet: 3 pts.

Ica: 8 pts.

Bessie: 5 pts.

Bonnie: 11 pts.

Kayla: Timeout.

68 pts.

Next, was the third quarter, Kayla is still not playing by the time we were still running on the field trying to kick the ball so that the ball will hit on the net and score for the rest of it, I kicked it several times and went on the net 5 times, I scored five times in a row as one of my friends had any chances to win the game. A moment later, Kayla ran out from the locker room and later went back on her feet. My friends and I were worried about Kayla because we knew she would end up getting injured while the game is still on. "Anyways, let's worry about game right now." I stammered nervously as we tried to get ahead to the next game. "We still need to complete the tournament right now. Without it, the other team would catch up and we will lose." "Right Ica," Bonnie nodded. "We should," 

There was no time to talk, just concentrating on the game we were on right now, Debbie started to outrun the other team while all of us had ran to the other corner to kick the ball before all of us had been heading out for the next one, but I was realizing that my sister's basketball tournament starts next month. We continued to concentrate on the game until the 3rd and 4th quarter is over. At last, all of us had completed the quarter and the British Reporter chose to interview me because the Team I had had 165 pts and Scotland is 100 pts. 

British Reporter: So how did you get into the feet where one of your teammates have?

Ica Hiddleston: Uhm, we were practicing how to get back on our track by practicing how to do several kicks, perimeters and some fields because all of us had to think of the sportmanship. Even though one of the challenges are very hard to face, we decided to move on and think of tryouts and stuff.

British Reporter: So did you do anything besides your teams?

Ica Hiddleston: Actually, yes. We were doing our best as we can to complete the tournament in the next season by the beginning of September.

British Reporter: My pleasure to you Ms. Hiddleston, my name is Leo Scott and it has been a lovely time to meet you.

Ica Hiddleston: Thank you so much sir.

We gave some other teams an encouragement and hug because we knew it was a great game, it was not about losing or something but about the sportsmanship and we had to show them off because it helps us do some other stuff when we suffered from anxiety and depression. At first, I noticed the tournament ended because we won the 1st gold medal as Loki, Thor, Tom and Chris escorted us back to my friends house. I packed my stuff to go back to Tom's house and thanked my friends for spending the time with me. "Till we meet again," Kayla said as she shook  my hands. "I'll see you around," Bonnie said. "I will thanks," I waved at them.

"How's the soccer tournament going on?" Tom asked me. "It was excellent," I replied. "Since the soccer tournament ended, my friends and I had a lot of fun," "Oh that's good," He smiled at me. "I guess you can put your 1st gold medal in the room where you went in Asgard, you can stay there when you and your sister gets a break from school." "I know right Tom," I nodded. I went in my room to put some gold medals. Although, it was when Loki had accepted the offer from Tom knowing that I would be spending time with some other stuff with him and Chris. I went on my laptop, logged on to Skype as I received the message from my sister.

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