siblings fight

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Ida didn't know what was going on, but I didn't realize it was happening. "Is that how you think of what happened because last time I was telling you about how the rest of us were on the separation since we we're kids back then? This is the last time I've been thinking about what just happened then suddenly you don't even understand what you're thinking." She pushed me away as I slumped down.

It started as me and my sister got into a fight, but it lasted an hour as many teenagers around Manchester were scared. I knew that she was my sister because Ida is the only one that was the most important sister I ever had. 3 hours later, while Tom was away at work along with his husband Chris, the fighting didn't stop, we started yelling at each other, but Loki arrived to stop us from starting a fight again. "What's wrong with you two?" I was explaining without lying. "Ida knew that the separation would grow worse because I knew it felt like I had been adopted and yet, she didn't even understand." "That's enough Ica," he frowned. "You too Ida! Enough! No more fight for both of you, so for now on go to your room."

Well it was when we gave ourselves a timeout. Ida was crossing her arms knowing, I would do anything to speak to my sister calmly. "Ida, I know you're not going to believe me, I'm just discussing and doing what's right." But she refused. "No Ica, I am not going to talk about it, not going to happen, you don't need to worry about it." At first, she started to cry. "Ida is a strong woman, Ida is an important sister. Yet, I am a bad person." She broke down shedding tears on the floor as I tried my best bet to help her out. "I know Ida, I forgive you sister, I mean it angered me sometimes but, I felt afraid." She gave me a hug and told me. "Thank you Ica, I don't know where I would be without you." "Duly noted sis." I said. My sister was going home to Asgard with my parents, Loki and Thor. "Well see you at the Shakespeare fest sis, Get well soon." "I will," I smiled and later went inside.

The next day,

I didn't get enough sleep because I was unable to finish my chores on time. I tried taking deep breaths, but it didn't do anything good. I passed out as Tom acted fast and it scared the heck out of Chris Hemsworth. Tom tried to gain my consciousness by putting his hand on my head. "Ica? Ica? Ica? sweetie?" It was only a slight fever but, it was nothing major because without it, I wouldn't get up one thing for sure. "What just happened?" I opened my eyes. "Well in that case you had a slight fever," he shrugged. "Are you kidding me Tom? I had a slight fever did I?" I added. "But I guess, I'm no worse for wear." "Oh sweetie, don't ever stress out," he scoffed. "I just don't want you to get hurt that's all, your parents will be here to take care of you." "Correct," I nodded. "Well I just needed time to cool off." "Just let me know if you need something," he said.

3 hours later,

Loki and Thor came in to Tom's house to check on me to see if I was fine or not. Loki ran upstairs. "Mama Papa?" I was very embarrassed knowing I passed out. "Sweetheart, what is happening to you?" "Well it is a slight fever," I told him as Thor went to me. "Well that's not too bad," Thor said now. "But you know sweets, I just need to check on you just to make sure you're okay, so you need to get some rest okay?" "Okay," I said. But I had one question. "Is Ida here?" He replied. "Well she's downstairs, she'll be here to see you." My parents went home as my sister came to my room upstairs. "Hi Ica, how are you holding up?" she asked me. "Oh I'm okay," I told her. "I passed out earlier that's all," "Oh okay," she said. "Well just want to say I'm sorry for what I did to you, I know it was stupid, but I wished that you will feel better soon. Well anyways, I had to go home because our grandfather Odin Odinson needs me to take care of his throne because he is going away for vacation in Vanaheim with Frigga and Sif." "Well tell them I said hi," I spoke. "Just be safe sister." She gave me a hug and I hugged her back. "I'll see you around Ica," she smiled. She left Tom's house and later on I went downstairs to eat dinner with our stepparents.

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