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Now at the vicinity of her comfort at her desk in the 21st District, Erin started to realise that there was one person lingering in her mind for the past week. It was like a lightbulb had popped up in her head and now she understood what her heart was trying to tell her.

It is that person she thinks about whenever she opens her eyes in the morning and closes at night. Thinking back, each and every time she closed her eyes, it is that person she sees. She cannot feel this way. She cannot jeopardise their friendship; she respects her too much to do that.

Why on earth was she feeling this way?

And for girl?

She have never felt this way for a girl before. It feels different.

Picking up her phone, she looked to see who have texted her.

It was her.

Her heart started pumping harshly in her chest while somehow the bullpen seemed to be on fire.

This somewhat foreign and unfamiliar feeling towards her friend, Kim Burgess, was eating her alive since last night. As they talked, laughed and hang out last night at Molly's with Jay and the rest of the team, all she wanted was to kiss those beautiful lips of hers. She shouldn't feel this way. She didn't want to.

Oh my god! What's happening to me?

She was turning crimson red by just reading the message.

[Thanks again for the ride. Last night was great! You're a great friend!]

"There it is; she sees me as a friend." she said, explaining to herself. Her face scrunched up into a frown. That explains everything. She doesn't have to feel this way anymore. Now all she has to do is forget about Kim Burgess, to avoid her pretty eyes. At least for a while she has to. Until this, whatever she was feeling goes away.

But how can she?

They work in the same building.

"Who are you talking to?" asked Jay.

"What? Wasn't saying anything." said Erin in her defense.

"Right..." he knitted his brows, not believing him. But he simply shrugged it off. She could be talking to herself.

"Hey, wanna grab dinner tonight? Then we could go over to my place....the rest is self-explanatory" Jay said smiling at Erin.

That grin.

That face just makes her want to kiss him, right then and there.


Two of her friends?

But Jay is kind of, sort of, more than just a friend. Their status have not been define quite just yet.

"Not tonight. I have plans with umm...friends."

She didn't want to hurt him with whatever conflicting feelings she has with Kim. She had to sort out her heart before they could continue with what they had started.

"Ok. You have friends?" Jay laughed and braced himself as she threw a punch on his shoulder.

"Not funny, Halstead." she said with a hint of annoyance.


2 weeks have passed now. Erin was very much distracted all week and was trying her best to avoid Jay, avoid Kim, avoid everyone for that matter. She have been for weeks now.

Whenever she was asked to hang at Molly's after work, she would decline. Whenever Jay was at the break room, she would turn back around. Whenever Kim was at the scene of a crime, she would not give any eye contact or any indication that she knows of her presence. She knows she might look stuck up but that was how things are supposed to be.

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now