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After hours of panicking, Erin still had no idea what to do. She just can't believe this is happening.
Voight has lost his mind for putting them together. Kim and Jay being partners will only result in a disaster. She wondered whether she should ask Voight if she could be Kim's partner instead. Or anyone in the unit for a matter of fact.

Everything was going perfect with her and Kim and now this, Kim being partners with the worst possible person.
'Gosh! What have I done!!' she screamed in frustration at herself.

As Erin viciously ran her hands over her face, a strong hand grabbed her by the shoulders, dragging her towards the break room.
"Jay! Let go of me!" she hissed as they reached their destination.

Jay just glared down at her, not saying a word. Feeling endlessly frustrated about this situation, he felt something snapped inside of him. Contemplating on what to say, he bit his tongue, knowing at times like this he can be a bit of an asshole.

"What?" her eyes pierced right through him, clearly annoyed.
"What? Are you seriously asking me what?!" he pointed at her roughly.
"Look Jay, I had nothing to do with this. It was much of a shock for me too." she tried reassuring him as she paced around the small room.

He can't hide his annoyance anymore. To him, this seemed like a plan all along, to throw him off guard. "Yea right." he snickered and rolled his eyes.
Erin furrowed her eyebrows and moved closer to him. She just can't believe he'd think that she planned this. To her, it absolutely doesn't make sense.
"After what happened, of course, that's the last thing I want happening." she poked his chest harshly.

"Oh! You mean after you cheated on me, for God knows how long, with the woman who's now my partner." This recollection is met with a less than joyful chuckle. There's also a bit of judgement which she doesn't appreciate. Her head snapped up sharply, nearly breaking off from her neck in order to stare at him.
'He just had to bring it up again!' she thought as she rolled her eyes.

Before she could say anything else, he interrupted her, "Ha! And you know what's funny?.....She seems to be absolutely clueless about it all! Does she even know?" Jay wondered whether Kim actually knows what she had done and he doubt it.

She stayed quiet for a few seconds since she has no idea what to say next.
"Ugh Jay! It's none of your business!" she yelled at him and crossed her arms over her chest.
"It is! It is my business! Before you say anything to further defend yourself, let me ask you this, do you really think she's gonna stay with you after she finds out?" He asked with a condescending tone in his voice which he didn't plan to have.

"What does that mean?" She gritted through her teeth. Realizing the level of her temper, she stepped back to compose herself. Containing herself from physically hurting him has proven it's difficulty.

"Knowing Kim, she's a stand-up girl, she has values. And she'll always do the right thing. I'll go slow so you'll understand."
It was too late to stop himself before he realised there was no taking back of what he was about to say. He knew he was going to be an asshole.

"I don't think she'll want to be with you once she finds out she was the 'other woman', 'your lover'." he spoke to her in slow motion like she was a child and it took all she could to control her anger.

Jay noticed Erin had her fingers messing around in her hair, tying it up with an elastic hair band. She only does this when she exhausted or frustrated. With it pulled back, her cheeks are flushed with color, as are the tips of her ears.
'Wow! She's mad!' He whimpered on the inside but outside, he's cools as a cucumber.

"I hate you, Jay. I really do! I don't see how I've ever loved you!" As she stormed out the break room, she kicked the chair that was standing oh-so-innocently, resulting in a loud bang. Leaving them to wonder whether anyone at the bullpen had heard their bickering.

Her statement tears right through him. He cursed to himself, knowing that was surely not the right thing to say. He knows he deserved it.

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