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Kim walked up to Intelligence with her dress blues on. She looked around the room and saw her friends in similar dressing. They all looked sad, no one had said a word to each other all day. The room was dark even when the light were on. She walked over to her desk and sat down on her seat, noticing the empty desk across the room.
"Oh god." she murmured under her breath as she viciously ran her hands over her face. She was tired of crying since she've been crying for days already. She've actually just finished crying alone in the bathroom before coming up to the bullpen. Now, looking at the empty desk, she can't help but feel tears starting to sting her eyes once again and her head has now  started to ache as a result of all the tears.

It was weird to look at the now cleared table as it has always been hell messy. Filled with files, papers, pens and even food were scattered all over. She've never seen that desk spotless for a matter of fact.
Just then, lightning strike and it made her jumped.
'Great! Just great.' she thought and she wiped a tear from her face. The rain had just started pouring and she totally found it ironic for it to happen today. Out of all the days.
With all that transpired for the past few days, Kim can't believe that this was the result, that Erin had taken a turn for the worst.

When they arrived at the hospital after the accident, the doctors had explained to the Unit that Erin had a chance of surviving however they were minimal due to the extent of her injuries. The bullet had hit some major vessels in her chest.

"Hey." she murmured as she approached her bedside with Voight sitting on a chair beside his daughter. She'll never forget Voight's face. It was filled with sorrow and regret. Probably for failing her. But to Kim, he was the best thing that happened to her. He saved her and if it wasn't for him, she probably would have never met Erin.

"I'll go get some coffee. You want anything?" Voight asked. She knows he was being polite, faking the need for coffee, as he wanted to give her and Erin some privacy.
"No thanks." she replied with a thin smile and he left.

The room was white and quiet but all she could hear against the tranquility was the annoying beeping sounds from all the machines. Erin's beautiful face was now pale and she had a ventilator on. She was also hooked onto all sorts of machines and monitors, it was probably the only thing keeping her alive. It had shocked Kim to witness first-hand such travesty. She never thought that a person can actually be attached to this much machines. She swallowed thickly as she slowly reached out to touch her girlfriend's beautiful face with her fingertips. She needed that tangible reminder that Erin was still here with her.

During the 3 days Erin was in the ICU, she hardly made any improvements. Not even a twitch of a finger. Everyone who had visited her had begged her to wake up. Even her mother, Bunny, was there. They desperately wanted a sign that she was going to be ok. They needed to see Erin's bright green eyes lit up as she laughed at them for being so worried. They needed to hear that raspy voice once again, telling them that everything would turn out just fine. So, she sat there, waiting for Erin to wake up.

It had now stopped raining so they drove off to the cemetery where the burial ceremony will be held to honour and respect their fallen officer.
Kim looked out the window and saw the car that carried the casket. Today will be the last time she'll get to see Erin she thought. With that, she burst out crying, right there in the car. She couldn't help it anymore, her heart just wasn't strong enough. The boys hadn't seen her cry since the paramedics took Erin away from the scene. Not even at the hospital when their beloved friend had passed.
Her sobs echoed through the car and she felt all eyes on her. She cursed and covered her mouth with her hands to physically stop herself from crying but the pain of losing her was just too unbearable. Adam who was sitting next to her pulled her closer and she rested her head on his chest. Staining his blues with her tears.
"I'm...sorry..." she muffled catching her breath.
"It's ok, Kim. Just let it out." Adam said softly and he kissed the top of her head.

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now