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It had been 3 days since Erin got shot and there was no sign of Jay anywhere. After paramedics wheeled Erin out of the school, it was like he vanished into thin air. He hadn't picked up his phone,  shown up for work or even went home. Will had called Voight, distraught about his brother since he couldn't reach him and hadn't seen him for days. It wasn't like him to not call at all. He even went to Jay's favourite bar, thinking he was there drowning in his sorrows. But he wasn't.

Intelligence had also been worried. When he didn't even show up at the hospital, Voight knew something wasn't right so he had police officers search the streets of Chicago for one of their man but, again, to no avail. He was very much annoyed and furious with Jay since he now not only had to worry for his daughter but for him as well. And he was exhausted, both mentally and physically. He knew Jay cared for Erin deeply and understood that him running away was a coping mechanism to not face reality.

As Intelligence worked on their paperwork while waiting on news on Erin, someone had walked in.
"Jay! We've been looking everywhere for you, man!" shouted Adam. He was genuinely delighted to see his friend.

The rest of the team were startled by Adam's sudden outburst and looked up from their papers. They noticed Jay still had the same outfit on that he had worn 3 days ago. In addition, he had dark circles under his eyes, a really unflattering stubble and he reeked of alcohol. He was a wreck.

Being the good friend that he is, Antonio went over to Jay who just walked to his desk without acknowledging anyone. From the moment he walked in, he knew Jay wasn't at the right place and the station was the last place he should be in right now.
"Hey man. I think you should go home. You shouldn't be here."
As he rested a hand on his shoulder, Jay shrugged it off sharply. "Do not tell me what to do, Dawson!" he snapped.
Antonio held his hands up in surrender, not wanting to bother him any further.

Voight heard the commotion outside and walked out of his office to see Jay, fuming in rage.
"Jay. What the hell is wrong with you?" he looked at him with concern.
Out of the blue, Jay started laughing, surprising everyone. They all knew this wasn't going to end well.
"What do you think? Nothing. I'm fine."

There was a few seconds of silence as both men stared at each other. The awkwardness had made everyone in the bullpen uncomfortable and wishing they weren't there. Adam covered his eyes as he couldn't watch his friend dig his own grave.

Eventually Voight sighed. "Know what Jay? Go home. You're drunk. I don't want you here."
"Why is everyone telling me what to do?!" he raised his voice and it shocked the team since no one had ever challenged Voight.
Jay took a step towards Voight. He was so close that Voight could smell the alcohol on his breathe. He knew that Jay was hurting so he kept his cool even though he very much wanted to knock him out.

Adam stood to grab his friend, to snap him from his stupidity. "Ahh boss. He doesn't-" he began to say something in Jay's defense but Voight stopped him. Voight didn't even look his way instead continued the staring contest. "Don't fight me on this, Halstead. You're not yourself today. You're on administrative leave until I say otherwise. No use arguing, I've made my decision. It's not up for discussion." he said as a matter of fact.
"You can't do that!"
"Last time I checked, I am your Sergeant."

With that, Jay got up from his seat but in the drunken state that he is in, he stumbled and fell to the floor. He can hear the gasps from his colleagues and knew that he was ruined. He stayed there for a moment to gather himself before standing and rushing out of the bullpen with his dignity stripped off.

'Great. At least I won't be able to remember this.' he thought and knew this was all her fault. If only she hadn't interfered, none of this would have happen.

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