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Now that Erin and Kim had finally admitted their intent feelings for one another, now that they're together, Erin has another dilemma - Jay.

Jay. Jay. Jay. Jay. Jay. Sweet and understanding Jay.

She sighed. He maybe a saint but at the end of the day, he's still only human.

He's not, he's never going to forgive her for this because to him they're more than just friends (with benefits). And he's never going to understand whatever this - she and Kim - is.

She doesn't know how to tell Jay and it scared the crap out of her to do so.

But what was she so afraid about?

His reaction?

Not really. She knows he'll be mad nonetheless. She's ready for that.

She just...she doesn't want to hurt him. She've been leading him on for so long with what she thought was love for him but, come to realise that it may just be that he's great in bed, and the fact that she has stronger feelings for Kim...everything just became so real now.

But either way, she already has hurt him.

Should she tell him?

She owe him the truth. And she will tell him; she's going to tell him that she's seeing Kim.

Kim Burgess.

This morning, they - Erin and Kim - went to work together for the first time. It's a good thing that they work at the same building.

Kim had picked her up from her apartment since it was on her way to the station, and handed her a coffee - the way she liked it. Black.

Taking a sip, she can still hear the sweet tang of her voice and how it made her insides tingle as she stared deeply into her eyes.

"Good morning beautiful!"

"Good morning. And thank you for the coffee." she said, leaning over to kiss her.


She brought her fingers to her lips, remembering that Kim tastes like cinnamon.

They were both deathly infatuated with each other - the first stage of every relationship. At this point, this stage, the first of every relationship, they couldn't get enough of the intense lust and an uncontrollable urge to be together every single moment. To Erin, it feels like she's high on drugs, the only other time she felt this way.

Kim was her drug and she's craving her.

Since her fight with Jay, they haven't been in good terms, they were distant and awkward around each other and it definitely didn't go unnoticed with her colleagues.

Well, she works with a room full of detectives, so of course they've noticed.

The undeniable chemistry they once had, is now slowly fading away.

"Lindsay, my office." she heard Voight call out, snapping her out of her thoughts.

As she walked towards his office, she stopped to wonder whether she've done anything stupid today but nothing came to mind.

"Yeah?" she said, standing by the doorway of his office.

"Come in. Have a seat." his voice was low and gravelly. Face, stern and unmoving. Like always, which shouldn't bother but it kind of did.

She've always wondered why his voice sounded like that, like he swallowed a handful of gravel.

Was it due to an accident?

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now