Double Dzzz

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Jay Halstead sat on his couch in his apartment, he hadn't moved an inch all day. He switched channels after channels trying to find something worth watching. But it was more so he could take his mind off of everything. Reluctantly, he settled on Bachelor. In all fairness, he actually enjoyed it. He knows it's weird for a grown man, in his thirties to enjoy such cheesy show and he will deny it if anyone finds out. The only other person who knows about this, is Erin. Actually, it's Erin's favourite and it became their fave.

They both had a routine on Wednesdays. First, they would go over to his place and order some take out or he would whip something out since Erin has no clue on how to cook. They would eat and watch Bachelor, their favourite show. Finally, they would cuddle in each other's arms, the best part of the day. He would always look forward to Wednesdays.
'It isn't the same without her.' Jay had never felt so fragile and vulnerable in his entire life. He felt pathetic sulking over her as he sat alone. He pulled his knees to his chest and wiped a tear off his cheek as he started tearing up again.

Suddenly, the door to his apartment swung open. For a spilt second, he had thought it was Erin. He thought she had finally come to her senses, to apologies, to ask for forgiveness, to be together like they were before. But, instead it was just his brother, Will Halstead. The doctor. He now felt incredibly stupid and wiped his tears.

"You haven't gotten up all day, have you?" Will asked him as he entered the apartment. He was at the same exact spot since he had left for work this morning.
"No." He replied blatantly as he sipped on his fifth beer.

Will felt extremely sorry for Jay as he knows how much he loves and cares about her. He still has no idea why they've broken up, Jay hadn't told him anything. All he knows was, yesterday, he came back from Erin's quite upset and went straight to his room. Since then, they hadn't spoken about it. So, he let himself concluded that Erin had broken up with his brother.

"Know what Jay?" He sat down on the couch beside him.
"I'm taking you out. We're getting drunk tonight!"
"Will. I don't think it's a great idea." Jay said to his brother. It's not that he doesn't want to get drunk, he very much do, it's that he doesn't know if he can control himself. He's afraid that he'll burst into tears out of the blue or go completely irresponsible.
"Come on bro. I know you love her and all but let's just have a little fun together. Brother to brother, like old times." Will said, giving his shoulder a little shove in the hopes of convincing him.
Jay looked at him, surprised that he knows about their breakup. "I never told you."
"Jay. I'm your brother. I know you." He replied.
He stared at him and Will can see that he've been crying. He hate to see his brother broken.

Jay and Will are from two polar opposites, they always have. Jay has always been the stronger brother, both emotionally and physically. When their mum had died a few years ago, he was absolutely crushed. Jay needed his brother but he was too busy partying, to preoccupied trying to get over a girl. He knows it's his fault for their estranged relationship and he's going to make this right by helping his brother.

"Come on. I'm taking you out!" Will cheered.
"No thank you. I have to work tomorrow and you do too. We can't show up to work hungover. We make decisions for a living. I'm a cop and you're a doctor, remember?" Jay tried protesting.
"Come on Jay. It'll be fun. You'll forget all about Erin. You won't even remember she existed."

Jay stopped and stared for a second processing the pros and cons in his head. Will seemed to make a lot of sense since all he wants is to just forget about her.
'The pros outweigh the cons.' He thought.

For added measure, Will blurted, "If you say no, I'll have to tell everyone at work and the station that you like watching the Bachelor and that crazy Kardashian show."
"You wouldn't." Jay narrowed his eyes at him.
"Oh! Trust me. I will." Will pat his brother on the back.
Jay finally let out a smile and Will was happy to see that face again.
"Fine." Jay got up from the couch, for the first time today, and head to his room to get dressed.

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