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After hours of sobbing to the point where she could no longer control her breathe, choking on every air she take, Erin finally fell asleep.

It seemed like 5 minutes had gone by until she was woken up by the sound of someone screaming her name and banging the door. She ignored it and went back to sleep but the annoying sounds wouldn't stop. She finally gave up and walk to her door and opened it.

"Erin!" Someone yelled in a high pitch voice that reminded her of a whinny child. She was half asleep so it didn't register in her head to who actually was at the door.
"Erin! What are you still doing in your PJ?" The person asked still whining.
'Hey. Why does that voice sound familiar?' She thought
"Oh no! Kim! What are you doing here?" She asked feeling self-conscious of how she's dressed.

Usually, after a long hard day, Erin would wear her 'comfy' clothes. She's now standing by her door in a baggy white tee shirt with little holes in them and a pair of flennel pants. Erin feels her face turn red in embaressment knowing that she looks like a witch.
'God! What am I wearing? She can't see me like this! I should've thrown these years ago!' She screamed at herself.

But Kim doesn't seem to be too concerned by her appearance. "I should be asking you the same thing! Hurry up, we're gonna be late!"
Baffled, Erin looked at her clock hanging across the room.
"Shit!" She screamed and dash to her room.
"Erin! You only have 5 minutes!" Kim shout out to her as she walked into the apartment. Looking around her house, Kim is shocked to see the chaos. For a petit person like Erin, she sure makes a whole lot of mess, tissue papers everywhere, dishes in the sink, laundry basket filled with clothes, it seem like she haven't clean up her apartment in weeks.

She can hear her racing against time, trying to be as quick as possible.
"I'll make you some coffee!" She shout out.
"Thanks. The cups are on the top shelf." She walked out of her room, having a hard time pulling up her pants.
Kim smirked since Erin looks just adorable, running around, looking for something.
She gave Kim a look in between runs that says she's sorry for all this.
'But you have nothing to be sorry about, I can watch you all day.' She thought in her head, not saying out loud, knowing that it does sound creepy.

"Where is it? Where is my badge?" She can hear Erin panicking while she's combing her hair.
"Oh here it is." She said in relief, picking up her badge from the ground.
'No wonder she's known to be the messy one at the station.' Thought Kim. She absolutely needs help with her apartment and lucky for Erin, Kim is an absolute neat-freak.

"Ok. Let's go?" Erin catches her breathe and walk towards Kim. Kim smiled and handed her to-go cup of coffee.
"Thank you." Erin said.
She took a sip from her cup and kissed her, taking Kim by surprise.
"Good morning beautiful." Erin said returning the complement.
"We're gonna be late! We cannot be late, Kim! Voight's gonna kill me and Platt! Huh! She's never gonna let you hear the end of it!"
Erin looks so cute when she's freaking out, Kim thought. Normally, Kim would be the one to panic in this situation but in this case, being with Erin, just changed her.

"I'm sorry Kim. You shouldn't have waited for me." Erin said feeling really bad about dragging her along.
"No. It's ok. I wanted to." And she gave her a smile.

Bursting into the 21st District, they both are out of breath. They now can feel Sergeant Platt's eyes drilling at them. "You guys are so early!" Both ladies looked at each other in confusion. Platt was smiling.
"Sorry Sergeant. It's my fault. Kim was-" Platt interrupted her "Detective. Please go upstairs...Now."

She was about to say something but choose not to since it wouldn't be any different and only make things worse for Kim. "Ok." She walked away, scared, and mouthed "I'm sorry" to Kim before buzzing up to Intelligence.

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now