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Throughout the entire movie while they cuddled under a blanket, Erin had been thinking. She was distracted and simply couldn't stop. Her mind was raising with thoughts and she didn't know what to do anymore. She wants to tell her but at the same time, she doesn't want to ruin their glorious relationship.

As the credits rolled, Kim surprised  Erin with a kiss, her soft lips asking for permission. Erin merely reacted. She needed to get it off her chest since it has been practically eating her up inside for months now.

"What's wrong?" Kim asked as she pulled away. Concern was written all over her face.
Erin was still hesitant in telling her, only because she was afraid that what Jay had said would come true.
A long sigh escaped her. "I need to tell you something."

Kim had heard those words one too many times to understand where it was headed. Most of her relationships have ended with those exact words.

"Okkk..." she was clearly confused and taken aback.
Erin turned to better look at her. "So, um...We've...never talked about this...You know what-" Erin said nervously but was cut off by a frustrated Kim.
"Wait, wait, wait. What are we talking about here?" Kim wondered, motioning between them since Erin wasn't making any sense to her.

Erin took another deep breath. "Well, not us but, I don't know if this makes sense...umm when we... started dating...Jay and I were...still dating..."

Suddenly, everything fell into place for Kim. All the pieces clicked together and made sense. She've finally found the missing piece to the puzzle. Now, she understood Jay's dreadful behaviour towards her all these months. He was hurt, jealous even and it was because of Erin and her.

"What the hell, Erin?!" she yelled, jumping up from her position in the couch. The outburst was so uncharacteristic of her that Erin wasn't sure how to react.
"Do you know what Jay put me through? How he treated me?" Kim paced across the floor and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, "He was...horrible!! And it turns out it was because of YOU!" she exclaimed even louder and pointed a finger at her.

Erin has never seen her this furious before, especially towards her. She kept quiet, not saying a word knowing that she was wrong and deserved it.
"I know. I'm sorry. I should've-"
"No. No. You're not. You're not sorry. If you were, you would've told me earlier. Why didn't you tell me?" Kim tried to hide the tear that had fell down her cheek.
"I was scared this would happen." Erin's voice cracked and bit her lip to stop the tears from falling.

Just sort of crumbling to the floor, Kim sat against the wall next to her bedroom door, her knees pulled over her chest. "I, I just can't believe you would do this...especially to Jay."

Torn on how to respond, Erin just felt something snapped inside of her.
'I did it for us.' she thought.

Although she's strongly tempted to bite her tongue, she just can't believe Kim would be such a hypocrite.
"It didn't stop you from messing around with Adam." Erin stated and shrugged her shoulders as she stood from the couch.

Kim's head snapped up sharply in order to glare at Erin. She can't believe the words coming out of her mouth. It was as if in a blink of an eye, Erin changed into an overpowering defensive bitch.

Feeling the need to defend herself, Erin didn't provide the filter in her head enough time to process before she ran her mouth. "I'm just saying you were clearly aware that Adam was engaged with, what's her name..." she snapped her fingers a couple of times trying to recall her name. "...Wendy! And you still messed with him. You were the reason they broke up!" her gravelly voice sounded even rough and low with this accusation.

"Oh my God!!" Kim yelled again with her hands waving in the air, "No! No! No! You don't get to make ME the bad person here, Erin!" she furrowed her eyebrows and stood once again to meet her somewhere in the middle.
"I'm not! I just wanna know how's it any different?" Erin asked as she placed her hands on her hips.

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now