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All night, Erin have been tossing and turning, falling in and out of consciousness. Her head have been playing the same nightmare over and over again. The colours were too vivid for her to comprehend, all she could make out was; she was in the backseat of a car for what seemed like forever with someone caressing her cheek and mumbling something she couldn't understand.

When she finally woke up, she immediately sat up on the bed that was soaked in her sweat. She still didn't feel any better and had a bad feeling of where she was. Looking around, she tried to work out her surroundings once again. This definitely wasn't her apartment. All she remembered from last night was Jay dropping by, anything after was a complete blur.
It was only after looking around the dull room for the hundredth time that she realised this was the place she dreaded to be.
"Shit!!" she scrambled to the grey metal door. Hoping this was all a bad reaction to the cocaine.
"No!!" she cried out when the door wouldn't budge. She can't believe Jay would do this to her.
"Let me outta here!!" she banged loudly at the door, kicking and screaming for someone to help.

"Hey...There's really no point in doing that." a woman in the same room stated sleepily and rubbed her eyes. Erin was caught off guard at the voice since she hadn't even noticed anyone else in that room when she had first woken up.
"Where am I?" she asked. She was freezing cold again and was shaking like a leaf.
"Oh! You're in Fairview Recovery Centre in Wisconsin." she exclaimed with a smiled and put her black rimmed glasses on.

Erin furrowed her brows in confusion. She must not have heard her right. "Wisconsin??"
Her heartbeat raised in her chest and she was starting to get light headed. "I, I cannot be in Wisconsin. I need to get back to Chicago."
Now her dreams started to make sense. She wasn't actually dreaming, it was all happening. Her was brain was subconsciously preparing her to live her own nightmare, probably because her body refused to seize reality.

She was furious now and went back to banging the door with her fists. Although she still was very much sore, that was the least of her worries since she needed to check herself out. She knows she can't survive being cooped up in here for what looked like a prison for god knows how long.

"Stop it. You'll hurt yourself." her roommate yanked her away. "This thingy..." she wiggled her finger at the door, "is on timer. It opens 7 sharp."
Erin sat down on the cold hard floor, absolutely baffled now. She wondered whether she really was in prison. Why on earth would a rehab need such contraption?

"No. I can't believe they'd do this to me." she repeated over and over, rocking back and forth in denial. "I thought they're my friends."
Her brain can't seem to wrap around the fact that her 'friends' had brought her to this hell hole, in a whole different state, without her consent. Out of all the rehabs out there especially one that doesn't resembles a prison and more importantly, out of Chicago, why'd they choose this one?
Stuck in another state-confused, scared, and furious, she felt betrayed yet again. How could they do this?

"Hi. I'm Lolly." her roommate sat down next to her, greeting her with a hand shake.


It has already been a little over three months since they had taken her to rehab. The trio obviously weren't proud of their decision but felt it was the only way to help. The centre was quite strict and was known for taking in hardcore addicts, who constantly relapsed and was at their last straw which was why it attracted them in the first place. The only reason they had chosen Wisconsin was because it wasn't that far away but far enough.

When they first arrived at the facility, very early that morning, the staff had immediately taken Erin away from them, not giving them a chance to say goodbye. Kim was bummed that they had no visitations and phone calls were only allowed once every two weeks. It's been three months now and she hadn't gotten a call yet. Since knowing Erin and rules don't match at all, just further worried her. What if she wasn't cooperating? What if she acted out and lost her privileges? What if she'll stay there for years? What if she just hadn't forgiven her?

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now